I'm not sure anyone else in the family is allowed to sit in this recliner!
If you think Jim looks familiar and you attended Lake Park High School or Elmhurst College - you're correct - it's the same Jim! Though retired from Lake Park for a number of years now, Jim still teaches at Elmhurst College.
Again, thanks to Peggy and Jim for allowing us to see how yet another wonderful Jubilee Furniture piece of furniture looks outside of the dreary warehouse and inside a lovely home!
If you've purchased something from the store and are willing to take photos of how the item/items looks/look inside your home and can email me (sgalbraith@outreachcommin.org) - I can stop pestering my family - which would be wonderful and they would all be very grateful!
I'll write another post tomorrow with a link to a segment WGN TV did on Jubilee Furniture on Friday which aired on the 5:00 p.m. news last night - so please stop by again!
Enjoy these last few gorgeous days of fall, dear reader!