Remember how WGN TV aired a segment on the store last Monday? Well, I'm here to tell you the power of the press is alive and well! We had a record number of customers in the store this past Friday and Saturday which translated into record sales of $11,460! Yes, you read that correctly - we sold over $11,000 worth of used furniture this past weekend. And the common refrain when asked, "how'd ya hear about us?" was "the WGN broadcast." So, to Marcus Leshock and WGN - THANK YOU! And if you missed the 3 minute segment, scroll down to my WGN post and listen and watch (I don't sound too much like an idiot *smile*).
I really thought my post last Tuesday was so pathetic (my brother-in-law sitting in a recliner they purchased from the store - not that my brother-in-law is pathetic - but it's pathetic that I have to ask family members to send me photos for my Tuesday customer inspiration post!), but apparently none of you who have purchased wonderful things from the store and own, and know how to operate, digital cameras thought it was pathetic enough so you felt guilty and decided to send me your photos!
So, until this Tuesday customer inspiration thing takes off - or - we go through my entire house and I have nothing left to show you and I give up on Tuesday customer inspiration - we'll continue through my house.
With that warm welcome, can't you hardly wait to continue?!
This morning before leaving for work, I snapped a bunch of photos of the room we call the computer room - just in case no one emailed me photos. The computer room got its name because it's where we keep....our computer. It's sort of like when my kids were little and had stuffed animals with super creative names like Bunny and Birdie (two of their favorites). There's something to be said about easy-to-remember names like Bunny and Birdie when you're sleep deprived and most of your clothing has spit-up stains on 'em. Ahhh, good times!
Anyway - as you walk into this room in our lower level (remember my house is a split-level) you immediately see a nice wing back chair which was purchased from Jubilee Furniture - as was the side table next to it and even the coaster on the side table! Don't you want to sit down and relax?
Most of the furniture in the room is from IKEA and there's nothing from Jubilee in either of these photos, but I wanted to let you see the rest of the room.

This artwork is just a framed print - and though it's hard to see - it's a path meandering through some woods (I love roads/paths/streams leading off somewhere - makes me want to continue on and see whatever amazing things are just around the bend). There's something about the chick that was too sweet for me not to buy it!
So that, dear reader, is a look at my computer room!
I would love to see how some of the things you've purchased from Jubilee Furniture look in your home and you can email me ( with your photos! Please?