The first time I met Kim and Scott was several months ago when they stopped in and purchased this great table lamp. Kim writes, "We love the design and shape, and we think it fits pretty well in our living room."

(don't you love the orange elephant too?!)
Then in mid-September I got an email from Kim with this subject line, "Jubilee to the rescue?" in which she asked about our current filing cabinet inventory since she needed a specific size. I was happy to measure and email back with a description and photos of what we had available (and am happy to do the same for anyone, just call 630.337.1467 or email Scott stopped in the following Friday to see for himself if any of the couple we had that met their size requirements would work and - yay! - one did.

The one Kim and Scott selected was donated from an area design firm and wasn't your typical two-drawers-for-hanging-files filing cabinet, yet was perfect for their needs. I love how organized each drawer is! It makes my heart go pitty-pat!

Kim writes, "We heart Jubilee, and we're always telling our friends that it's worth the drive from the city. There is so much potential in your store, that often times Scott and I wish we had a whole room to devote to 'future projects'...sort of like a furniture graveyard that we can revive when we have the space and time!"
Kim, you know the love is going both ways!
And dear reader, I heart you too!