First of all, to the woman, Melody, who asked me a question about that poem Their Last Touch, you didn't have a return address OR a blog so I could answer you privately, but the answer is: No, I have no clue who wrote the poem. I didn't even know it was a song. Sorry. So, gals, please remember if you want me to answer something for you, I'll need an email address or at least a blog so I can answer. I prefer an email.
Okay, more confessions here and trust me, it is NOT pretty. The older I get the less I feel like housekeeping. Yep, trust me on this one because it is definitely true. To prove my words true I'm going to show you some pix of the house lately with, of course, explanations. Bear with me on this.
These old magazines have been in this corner behind hubby's chair for months and months, maybe even a couple of years. I just can't find a place for them now and thought of selling some on eBay since there are some very, very old ones.

This coffee table between our chairs in the family room??? I have been neglecting it for several months. Why? I've been lazy and just didn't want to touch it. I'd rather sit and read a book while recuperating since I can't sit on any chair in the craft room and chairs I can sit on wouldn't be conducive to working in the craft room. See that blue binder? That has a lot of material on PhotoShop from a class I took very early this year. Been sittin' there that long. Maybe I could just dust its cover? Nah, too much trouble.
Okay, more confessions here and trust me, it is NOT pretty. The older I get the less I feel like housekeeping. Yep, trust me on this one because it is definitely true. To prove my words true I'm going to show you some pix of the house lately with, of course, explanations. Bear with me on this.
These old magazines have been in this corner behind hubby's chair for months and months, maybe even a couple of years. I just can't find a place for them now and thought of selling some on eBay since there are some very, very old ones.
This coffee table between our chairs in the family room??? I have been neglecting it for several months. Why? I've been lazy and just didn't want to touch it. I'd rather sit and read a book while recuperating since I can't sit on any chair in the craft room and chairs I can sit on wouldn't be conducive to working in the craft room. See that blue binder? That has a lot of material on PhotoShop from a class I took very early this year. Been sittin' there that long. Maybe I could just dust its cover? Nah, too much trouble.
Dictionary, fingernail files, phone and scriptures are always near. Then of course, hubs has to keep his periodicals near him, cluttering the table up even more.
The corner opposite hubby's corner is filled with pictures I have no place to hang. I might give them to Goodwill, just don't know yet.
Okay, so what's behind my chair? Two rolls of batting to make quilts for my church ward, a small folding/slanted table to put my laptop on when using it in here, some frames I got a heck of a deal on and haven't decided what to do with them, the bag for my laptop when traveling and my refurbished umbrella that I've yet to put up somewhere.
Told ya so...

And then there's the craft table. I don't even know where to begin on this table. Truly, I don't.
And then there's the craft table. I don't even know where to begin on this table. Truly, I don't.
I truly lost a pair of up-close glasses somewhere in this mess and haven't found them yet after just flicking a quick glance every once in a while and hoping they gravitate to the top of the pile.
The chandelier hubs brought down from the garage attic weeks ago so I could prime and paint it is still sitting on the floor in here. I haven't a clue when I'll get to it, but since it requires standing up, it might be sooner than later. Can you picture this in the small entry way? I can; Love Bunny can't. You know who's going to win this battle, right?! Plus that desk I put on Craigslist and no takers so far. I sure wish one of you shabby romantic bloggers lived near here because I only want $75.00 for that vintage school desk.
Do you see that cardboard tube under there? It's full of posters Love Bunny doesn't know I've taken out of the garage. After next summer if he doesn't mention them, I'm throwing them out. He's a hoarder!!!! I doubt he'll miss them.
Recently, I was changing this wall around a bit—taking down a little dark brown shelf I got from Bombay & Co. years ago and painted it white and have yet to find a place for it—and added these little pictures instead to fill a void on this wall.
While in that corner I dusted. Yep, actually dusted. BUT I haven't put the dust rag away yet or rearranged that end table. Ooooh, I've been going to do it, just haven't got around to it yet. Can we say lazy again? Maybe recuperate is a more appropriate word, hmmmmm?
As I've said, I had to give my office chair to Love Bunny because I could NOT sit on it. So I took his, but my beautiful chair cover won't fit this one, plus he doesn't particularly want to sit on roses chair covers so I'm going to have to get rid of it, but it's been hanging there for a couple of weeks.
See these curtains and the duvet cover? They've also been waiting for me to ask hubby to find a box to pack them in so I can put them in the garage attic until I decide what to do with them. I just may keep them and change things out somewhere along the line. Never sorry I keep something, always sorry I toss them out or get rid of them
Notice my exercise pad sitting there for about a week and I've had no incentive to put it away. Also just to the right of it sitting on the top of some boxes is a little box full of hanging lanterns I was going to take over to my neighbor in July. Yep, still sitting there. That's how pathetic I've been. Sigh......