A favorite book to linger over is this one called Passionate Love Letters. It not only quotes passages from those romantic letters but includes some little envelopes with facsimiles of the letters inside the envelopes.
I have always loved reading love letters from historical figures. I also love writing beautiful letters even if they aren't frequent. It is so much easier to just send an email to people in today's world, but think of the thrill when going to the mail box and finding an actual letter from a friend or relative instead of bills and spam mail. Just about all the mail received today is one form of spam or advertisements.
How thrilling it is to receive something in a pink envelope with lovely script flowing on flowered paper. I have a plethora of writing paper. All of it has flowers on it. When I write a letter I usually note the date, but also the time of the day and where I am sitting when I write it and my thoughts on the day I write. Now, I'm going to be brave and tell you that if you would like a letter from me, just send me an email from the address I have on my side bar and I'll be thrilled to fill your heart with a letter from me.
When one isn't married to a "romantic" it's a bit of a challenge. Love Bunny isn't a letter writer except when he and I were separated due to him being stationed in far away lands. I think I'll ask him for a love letter for Christmas since we've given up the commercial aspect of the season.
Are you one to save old love letters? I am. I love going back and reading cards sent to me and the love letters from hubby. There is always space in my heart for that.
Just a few photos of just some of my correspondence papers and note pads. Some of these are extremely rare. The roses one just below the violets cannot be found at all anymore and is the most gorgeous note paper I've ever seen. I'll usually include a few sheets of this paper when I gift some one with a swap. It is truly the prettiest paper ever.
Some of the papers are die cut and some are so delicate as to appear ethereal as is the one on the bottom left.
Small selection of note cards along with some stickers I've collected over many years. I have beautiful colorful ribbons around the sets to tie them together also.
Some have fruit themes. ALL are beautiful.
Even my staples are colorful and lovely. Nothing goes unnoticed in my world.
This is my favorite set of stationery. I've even embossed it with my name. Sorry, but I obliterate my last name on the blogs to preserve me and my family some privacy.
And all of it in beautiful storage boxes. Just a small sampling for you.
And if you are very fortunate, I'll drop in a bauble or two to brighten your day when I correspond with you. ;-)
Lastly, I have to admit I took these photos in that ethereal light just before the sun peeks over the horizon. BUT today it was 5° with a wind chill factor of -3° while taking these photos on the back patio with just a sweater on. I decided to come in and capture a photo of my red cheeks and nose. And this was before I even ran a brush through my hair and, of course, no makeup. See how brave I am!