It started with an idea and an urn and went down hill on that slippery slope from there, chicks. *Sigh*......
After buying some silver branches at Michaels and then cutting several off our apple and pear tree, it still looked very sad indeed.
The first sad attempt. Styrofoam and hot glue.
Okay, after some consulting with an online blogger who is a florist (and kind enough to help me) she said I needed to go straight up and not out to the sides. Fill in the center more. Sooooo, it was off to Joanns for more "fill-in" and this is what I have now. Yes, I like it much better.
Hmmmm, not too sure about the green grasses so painted some flora that came with one of the bundles pink:

Still not too keen on the green, brown, silver and beige colors in there all mixed together. So I decided to...
Still not too keen on the green, brown, silver and beige colors in there all mixed together. So I decided to...
So here I am before the dawn on the patio spraying the whole shebang with pink paint in 19° weather. (But it's a "dry" cold. *Smirk*) Love Bunny is still asleep, but last night he came home from a train club open house and complained that the pine cones I painted weren't smelling cinnamon-y but like paint fumes. I told him he was one paint job behind. It was the little flora I painted outside while he was gone.
So again at the first light before the sun was up, I was again outside photographing the display.
More tags, silk ribbon embroidery and cards I've received...
little fuchsia balls...
pink pine cones, clay roses by my friend, Lorena...
...RED berry sticks...
...and the little tree topper—a dress form swathed in tulle and red polka dots.
A banner of felt silk ribbon embroidery by another friend, Shirl.
A silk ribbon embroidered mitten by Katie peeking through all the "fluff" and a decorated cone from Ele. A card from Lynn.
Teapot ornaments by Rhea. Tags from Vickie, Steph and Judy. A little tussie mussie from Bertie. A blue Christmas ball painted by Jennifer.
Here it is on my plant shelf.
I love it up there and is quite a visible display for visitors.
This is my tribute to the women of my eBay group who have lasted the three and a half years with me. They deserve accolades and a standing ovation for their creativity and love. Thank you all!