2009 My Year in Review

2009 My Year in Review
A fellow blogger is having a year in review so I thought I'd join in and review things I've done this year. Here is Cindy's link so join in and view all the others participating also.~*~I have to warn you this is "photograph and eye candy" heavy, chicks. Sorry! I don't do this many very often at all, but it is a "celebration" of what my year was like. I focus on the positive and not the unsavory aspects here. Let's celebrate!This year we finally got the whole house painted pink. This is the laundry room after I made these little wood letters for the wall behind my washer and dryer. For those of...

Bow Making Tutorial

Bow Making Tutorial
When I was young I had a job with a department store working in their display department. It was a stepping stone to bigger and better things but the experience was invaluable in many ways. I learned the advertising business well and I picked up how to make bows. Now, can you beat that? ;-) It has served me well. So when froufrou-ing up the tree this year I thought about it and decided to give you a tutorial on making bows the absolutely easiest way. I bought this large roll of sparkly silver ribbon just to show you. While this is 4" wide, it can be done with smaller width ribbon.Make several...

My New Toy

My New Toy
While visiting with granddaughter and her hubby for Thanksgiving I got this new little toy. Squeeeeeeeeal and eeeeeeeek...for $74.88!! Yesssss, I saved $125.00 on this little jewel. Now, I have no idea how to use it yet but I'm going to learn just as quickly as I can. (Please read random thought at bottom of this post.) It's a Cricut machine and cuts shapes and letters. Love Bunny thought it will benefit him with his model RR train hobby. See my "plot" here?! He even went with me to Joanns in Bellevue to help make sure we got one since they were limited. This is no small feat for this man. He...

I’m flattered!

I’m flattered!
I’ve never participated in The Homies Awards that is put on by Apartment Therapy every year, but this year as I was looking through the contenders and lo and behold I came across my blog (way down on the list :)…) .  Thank you SaraLeeAB and Visual Vamp!  I love you guys! So, basically the award is to nominate the best in the Home Design arena. There is only one more day to vote, but if you’d like to vote for Harmony and Home in The Homies Awards, go to this link and give me a little link love! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday. ...

A Redo for My Plant Shelf

A Redo for My Plant Shelf
It started with an idea and an urn and went down hill on that slippery slope from there, chicks. *Sigh*......After buying some silver branches at Michaels and then cutting several off our apple and pear tree, it still looked very sad indeed.The first sad attempt. Styrofoam and hot glue.Okay, after some consulting with an online blogger who is a florist (and kind enough to help me) she said I needed to go straight up and not out to the sides. Fill in the center more. Sooooo, it was off to Joanns for more "fill-in" and this is what I have now. Yes, I like it much better.Hmmmm, not too sure about...
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