A common dream of some people is to have a summer place at the beach or a cabin in the woods or the mountains. I think I'd prefer a cabin in the woods. I love being alone with my Love Bunny all snuggled in a cabin surrounded by a river or lake. But here we are in the suburban housing development on the outskirts of Idaho. I like it because there are neighbors around and that seems safer for us retired people. Quiet. Just the right size house for us. But woods bring an atmosphere that we love. I'd want my house in a clearing with woods/trees on the "outskirts" so I could have sunlight but I'd want to see the woods in the distance. Maybe a few trees around but nothing that would block the sunlight, just a few trees for a bit of shade. This is a dream; it will never happen at our stage of life. LOL
This is a rustic look and I think it's cute. Kinda has a woodsy look. It's a style I adore.
This is a rustic look and I think it's cute. Kinda has a woodsy look. It's a style I adore.

I remember going to a home about 15 years ago now and walking into their house. They used their family room as their "living room" because they had 5 boys. The actual living room was used as an office because the father was into sports big time and needed a big "office." I walked in and came eye-to-eye with the biggest dead animal head I'd ever seen in my life. A moose or an elk, not really sure. Not that I've seen too many dead animals on walls. Just didn't get that much in California and the crowd we ran with! LOL But I just about passed out it was so stunning/frightening to me. Nuuuuuuuu, I have no problem with people hunting but the dang thing was so big it took up the space of a very large sofa or even dining table jutting out into the room! Plus it was staring directly into my face! Shock, I tell ya. And not one feminine touch in that house! At least the house below has a feminine touch and is quite cute.

Now, this little cottage is screaming to me to take it home! I would love to have this in my back yard but Love Bunny keeps telling me he'd have to change the sprinkler system........as IF I cared!!! LOL This is adorable!

This is the inside of the little cottage above. Can't you just see it as an artist's retreat painting in that wonderful sunlight??

This is close proximity to the above little cottage. I could live with this too! Love it.