Greenhurst Nursery is a wonderful nursery on Happy Valley Road (yep, truly is the name of the road) in our town and I have to say it's one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I'm going to take you on a tour of it in the next several weeks - with other posts thrown in, but this is definitely worth the tour. You'll see things in this nursery that you've probably never seen in another nursery. They have a website now if you'd like to visit it: Greenhurst Nursery.
I love going to this place, and it's where we buy all our plants and trees and a few other things as you'll see over the course of the next several weeks.
A week ago today - saturday - Love Bunny and I went there to buy a gardenia plant and they were readying the store for Christmas. I thought why not ask them if I can photograph the inside of this wonderful place. I asked one of the women there who I think is a manager or at least someone who would have the authority to "yea or nay" me and after a look of several seconds passing she said "yes"!! I was thrilled. So during the week I decided that friday next would be the best time for me. I wanted to look like I hadn't just stepped out of the mud in the yard, which is generally the way I travel to the nursery, my sweet cherubs!! So I went in and asked another person or two who looked to be "in charge" and again the permission was given. I thank them profusely for giving me the permission to share this wonderful place with you. No rock music at this place; it's mostly classical or at least soothing music for the plants. That in itself draws me to this peaceful haven.
I took 225 photos friday and will only share a few at a time because it would take forever to load my page if I did that. So sit back and enjoy the tour. I can promise you that you won't be disappointed at the end. This ain't your mother's old time nursery, chicks! :-) Bear in mind I had no control over the lighting of the place - just control of my camera as much as I could adjust to lighting of various sorts: incandescent, florescent and lamps and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. In other words, I did the best I could, my little chicks! (Ooooh, and of course, you get my whimsical and witty descriptions of the place!)
The first place I headed was the conservatory. It was a cold day with bright sunshine but in the conservatory it was toasty warm and filtered light though the "walls" and top.
It has a pond as you walk in so I got it from 2 different vantage points. You really need to click to enlarge the photos for them to see the pennies little kids must have thrown into the pond, but also to see this place in all its glory. Every plant in here is live. In no other part of the nursery store is anything "live"; it's all fake or as I prefer to call them: faux. Keep that in mind; it's very important. Live here only; rest fake! Outside all the plants are alive obviously! Get it???? *Sigh*............. LOL

Next 2 photos are orchids.

This little spot is where we found our gardenia plant also. Some are gardenias here and some are azaleas I believe.

Don't you just love that little shabby plant stand?!?! Squeeeeeeal......... Ya think they'd notice me carrying it out on my back? Hmmmmmm. I'd leave the plants there, of course. ;-)

Tropical plants remind me of when we lived in San Diego and went to Old Town to a mexican restaurant and ate out among the banana trees. Truly a special time for us.

Are these the 2 resident mascots??? I don't know. Maybe. I asked for their names but the lady told me she didn't think they had names. I call them Mr. Blue and Mr. Yellow. Not sure if they guys or chicks though!! Hah..........

And this is just a "tease" of what's to come in the next weeks ahead. You'll be surprised at all you'll see, my sweet chicks. "Wink"!!...........

Now for something different. A little hanging wall pocket
A new little pocket I have for sale on my selling blog: La Maison Rose