Stepping out of the conservatory back into another "room" we see all this wonderful stuff that looks so real you almost cut up the celery for your dressing on thanksgiving day! Even the leaves have the coloration of the real celery. Only feeling it gives it away.

Just one of many trees in this store. There's a cowboy tree I can't wait for you to see, but that's a bit later in the posts, my chickadees!! Just you wait. Hah..... I'm such a tease, but I don't want you to rush through it. I want you to savor the lusciousness of it and linger peacefully. I can't describe how beautiful this tree is in person though. They had a red rubber hose wrapped around it and garden implements, tulips, amaryllis, rusty ornaments and feathery plants stuck on the top as decorations on this tree! Just stunning!!!!

Remember these real looking plants are faux and so real looking you only know by touch! There are so many hanging racks of the most beautiful and unique ornaments that I couldn't count them all..... dozens though. Remember, this isn't a Christmas store; this is a NURSERY! I could spend a whole day in here easily.

Another beautiful arrangement. Look at the enlargement to see all the "fluff" around it: little birds, candles looking like leaves, faux bird eggs, moss covered statuary, that carrot pitcher in the background on a shelf, the CHICKENS!!!!!! Squeeeeeeal.... You all know how I love chickens!

Clocks were everywhere in this place. French looking ones, shabby ones, cowboy ones, just absolutely stunning. If I bought another clock though Love Bunny would shoot me for sure. I may have to overrule him though. I love clocks and have some rooms with 2 or 3 in them. Yep, true. Notice the vintage toy trucks, outdoor sink, CHICKENS(!) and faux fruit and plants.

Notice the vintage looking trogs up in the corner, the weathered looking clock, a faux sack of grain with plants coming out of it. This would look beautiful in a garden in our front yard. ;-) (Make note to self: sweet talk hubby when he gets home from his train club today, should be in very good mood!) ;-)

Just faux balls of greenery. Don't know what it is supposed to be but I do know it's beautiful. Notice they have different flooring throughout the nursery store. Rock, gravel, wood slatting that the dirt can be swept down through. My kinda floor, sweets!