Greenhurst Nursery #4 & Pink Saturday

Greenhurst Nursery #4 & Pink Saturday
I made this little pin cushion the other day and decided to sell it. It's adorable and you can see it on my selling blog, La Maison Rose. Very nice price on it also, chicks. But in the mean time read the next installment of the nursery. ;-)~*~Also in the section with the western cowboy theme is a beach cottage theme across the room . They were working in there that day setting up Christmas displays and asked me to please not go beyond that. I follow directions implicitly since they were kind enough to allow me to take pictures. So I had to get some "long distance" pictures and then only a few.This...

Greenhurst Nursery #3

Greenhurst Nursery #3
I wanted to get this area of the room from another perspective for you. Look at all those lovely flowers that will NEVER EVER die on you. Darling wicker table and chair set - the kind that looks substantial, sturdy and vintage. Frogs and statuary covered with moss. Religious statuary for gardens also. Same room from another vantage point. Look at the unique ornaments, the statuary, faux plantings and the little table top greenhouse on the shelf.I was determined to get some close ups of the flowers for you. These are so real looking. They look a bit like roses but I don't think they are but I'm...

Sewing While Hubs Is Gone

Sewing While Hubs Is Gone
I got so many requests to make that little camera bag for a couple of chicks that I decided to make another one to sell. Weeelllll, I liked it too much so I'm keeping it! I made it a tad larger and I can get my wallet in there while shopping, hang it around my neck for security and still look shabby chic and girly! ...

Greenhurst Nursery #2

Greenhurst Nursery #2
Stepping out of the conservatory back into another "room" we see all this wonderful stuff that looks so real you almost cut up the celery for your dressing on thanksgiving day! Even the leaves have the coloration of the real celery. Only feeling it gives it away.Just one of many trees in this store. There's a cowboy tree I can't wait for you to see, but that's a bit later in the posts, my chickadees!! Just you wait. Hah..... I'm such a tease, but I don't want you to rush through it. I want you to savor the lusciousness of it and linger peacefully. I can't describe how beautiful this tree is in...

New Camera for Love Bunny

New Camera for Love Bunny
Last weekend hubby had a model train open house at his club. It's a "once-in-a-lifetime" event, he said. Riiiiiiiiight, but no matter. He took some pictures during it and wanted to include them in a press release he'd written for our local paper. When he downloaded them the next day, he walked into the family room and asked me to come see and I knew something was wrong. The pix were there but they were blank. I thought at first the lighting was bad but editing them produced no results and he assured me the lights were all on for the crowd that attended. There were no pix. He was devastated. I...

Greenhurst Nursery #1

Greenhurst Nursery #1
Greenhurst Nursery is a wonderful nursery on Happy Valley Road (yep, truly is the name of the road) in our town and I have to say it's one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I'm going to take you on a tour of it in the next several weeks - with other posts thrown in, but this is definitely worth the tour. You'll see things in this nursery that you've probably never seen in another nursery. They have a website now if you'd like to visit it: Greenhurst Nursery.I love going to this place, and it's where we buy all our plants and trees and a few other things as you'll see over the course of the...
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