Happy pink saturday, chicks. Again, please go see Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for all the participants. My kids, grandkids and great granddaughter were here this past week and I didn't have time to find new bloggers but I'll try and catch up next week. It's been a zoo here with 11 people in this house.
Recently Kristina had a blog post about giveaways she was sponsoring and I participated, giving away 6 paper roses with rose fragrance. Olivia (one of my favorite names!) won and this is her prize. I hope she loves them in her home, which is very pretty from all the photos I've seen. I started with these.

And ended up with these! I like them in that bowl so much I'm going to make a dozen or so to put in it and maybe put on the coffee table. I don't know where I'll put them! This house has so many roses in it already...Sigh...

Recently Kristina had a blog post about giveaways she was sponsoring and I participated, giving away 6 paper roses with rose fragrance. Olivia (one of my favorite names!) won and this is her prize. I hope she loves them in her home, which is very pretty from all the photos I've seen. I started with these.
And ended up with these! I like them in that bowl so much I'm going to make a dozen or so to put in it and maybe put on the coffee table. I don't know where I'll put them! This house has so many roses in it already...Sigh...
Congratulations, Olivia. Enjoy!
And in the middle of July there was a "Show Us Your Rosettes Party" that I also participated in. I've been doing ribbon flowers for many years and didn't show all of them because I couldn't FIND all of them and some have been given away, but here are a few more. The red one and the lavender one next to it are my 2 most favorite flowers.
Random Thoughts:
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over those who can't read them. I read a lot and I mean a LOT.
Hollywood types think pot is a health food. I think it's something to put green beans in to cook. I'll bet ya I'm healthier...and saner!
I also know that ghosts can't hurt you unless you give them the power to harm you, unless you feed their substance with your fear. It's the class theory well known to spirit channelers and ghostbusters all over the world. I think I read that in a comic book.
Time saved does not seem to mean additional leisure or greater opportunity for meditation and reflection. Instead, with each new wave of technology, the pace of life increases; there is more to do, more choices to make, more things to experience, and people eagerly seize upon these experiences and fill the house that had only moments ago become empty. Each year life seems to be flitting past with far greater speed than the year before.
I'm a good guy; I keep you in toilet paper. Hubby said this to me recently. Hmmmmmm.......
Middle age does not automatically confer dignity. Personal experience with several middle age people I know. Sigh...
Love Bunny and I went to a wonderful restaurant several years ago—you know the type, no prices on the menu. Well, as he looked at it he asked, "Is that real food or just interior decoration on a plate?"