I bought these in June but didn't know what I was going to do with them, but that hasn't ever stopped me yet, and they were a fantastic steal. Squeeeeeal! They are both metal but the small one was tin colored and the large one was a coppery color. I painted them both white and am waiting to receive inspiration.

Random Thoughts:
When we go camping, to look at me is to see the definition of boredom. Luckily, Love Bunny has purchased a camping oven for me. Squeeeeeal!! Now I can take some clay to make little roses for crafting. He does love me so!!!
Several months ago on a trip to Washington to visit our granddaughter we were listening to the local radio station in La Grande, Oregon, about a woman in Oregon begging/panhandling for college tuition by the side of the road. Has she never heard of work?! A new concept, perhaps, for her. She can't get a loan and family gave her as much as they can. Lazy! You want an education, then find a way to pay for it, not beg. Work for it; don't beg for someone else to pay for it.
Mothers remain unshakably convinced of their babies being gorgeous or breathtakingly beautiful even if she lives to be 100 years old and her child has been harrowed by 8 hard decades of gravity and experience. She will also believe that her baby is smarter than other babies. Sadly, time and the child's choices in life usually require her to adjust her opinion on intelligence as she never will in the matter of physical beauty.
Bugs, spiders, birds, etc. will NOT nest on blue. So if you paint the ceilings blue (I use a faint Wedgwood color.) it keeps them away. Great when you have high ceilings, and yes, this works (oh you have an occasional probably colorblind subject, but it does work!!! I just thought I'd share this with you... HUGS, Donna... [This is from a fellow blogger I thought I'd share with you.]
Why do some people not follow the covenant they make in marriage that says for better or worse? I've had friends and acquaintances whose spouses left them when they've contracted a serious illness. It breaks my heart to hear of such things, but I know personally of situations where it has. I know Love Bunny would never abandon me if that happened. I certainly wouldn't consider it if he were struck with a serious illness. What is the matter with some people? Does for better or worse mean just until the going gets rough to some people? It's a covenant you make with God. To some, it is meaningless and that's truly a shame that they can abandon someone so easily.