First one thing: I accidentally deleted some things on this blog a few days ago and haven't had time to put them back on. My blog roll was one of them. I have 160+ to add back on but that's going to have to wait until I get back from our camping trip starting today. I was using a different browser, which is just a tad different from the one I usually use, and tried to see what a new template would look like. I was in shock when instead of "previewing" it, it actually changed it. When I put the regular template THAT I SAVED(!) back on several things were "wrong" and several things had been deleted. So that's just one of my minor dilemmas at the moment. I have them all on my Google Reader (thank goodness!). I'll add them back later as I said. Also if you'd like me to add yours, just let me know by leaving a message on this post. But read the sidebar on the right about me adding blogs, which USED to be on the left. *Sigh*......................
More photos of Cafe de Coco. Isn't this cute? Prices were a bit more than I was willing to spend that day but they had some things I would really have loved to buy.

The whole vignette is simply to-die-for! Just adorable. Very Parisienne. That little chair and dresser are absolutely adorable.