Pink Saturday is once again here thanks to Beverly of HowSweetTheSound so go and view the other participants and get your fill of PINK, chicks!
I've finally finished the aprons I cut out and made into various stages of apron making for the church activity we had a week ago. It has taken me about 2 weeks to get all of them done, but they will be for sale if anyone is interested. Just email me from my sidebar. I make them in colors I love because if they don't sell then I get to keep them and I'll have no aprons—or anything, for that matter—in my home that isn't pleasing to my eye and in a color I love. I plan on making some more and have cut out about 8 to list in a couple of weeks. I think you'll enjoy looking at them. Truthfully, I've sold every apron that I've made so far or I have given them away as gifts or giveaways. One of these aprons will be given away very soon so you might want to stay in touch.
This one is special because every time I see cherries I am reminded of my friend Dolly and Miss Emma. Truthfully!! This is a vintage fabric that I am almost out of and doubt if I have enough for another apron top but we'll see how I can incorporate it onto another "cherry" apron. A piece of vintage crochet is attached to the front with more trim at the middle with candy cane stripe for its ties. A ladybug button is on there also because I thought it was appropriate for the cherry apron. Notice also the pocket and ruffle are roses and the bottom half is pink polka dots. Every single apron I make will have roses on it in some way.

This is a bit french country with its checks and roosters. The top is black and white plaid with red rick rack and the ruffle, neck strap and ties are polka dots also. Roses make up the pocket and buttons and ribbon roses are on here also. I also use decorative stitching on a lot of the pockets.
I've finally finished the aprons I cut out and made into various stages of apron making for the church activity we had a week ago. It has taken me about 2 weeks to get all of them done, but they will be for sale if anyone is interested. Just email me from my sidebar. I make them in colors I love because if they don't sell then I get to keep them and I'll have no aprons—or anything, for that matter—in my home that isn't pleasing to my eye and in a color I love. I plan on making some more and have cut out about 8 to list in a couple of weeks. I think you'll enjoy looking at them. Truthfully, I've sold every apron that I've made so far or I have given them away as gifts or giveaways. One of these aprons will be given away very soon so you might want to stay in touch.
This one is special because every time I see cherries I am reminded of my friend Dolly and Miss Emma. Truthfully!! This is a vintage fabric that I am almost out of and doubt if I have enough for another apron top but we'll see how I can incorporate it onto another "cherry" apron. A piece of vintage crochet is attached to the front with more trim at the middle with candy cane stripe for its ties. A ladybug button is on there also because I thought it was appropriate for the cherry apron. Notice also the pocket and ruffle are roses and the bottom half is pink polka dots. Every single apron I make will have roses on it in some way.

This is a bit french country with its checks and roosters. The top is black and white plaid with red rick rack and the ruffle, neck strap and ties are polka dots also. Roses make up the pocket and buttons and ribbon roses are on here also. I also use decorative stitching on a lot of the pockets.

Blue Waverly fabric on bottom and a sweet roses print is the top. A vintage doily makes up the large pocket. There are a couple of dark spots on the doily should you be interested in buying it so if that bothers you then you are invited to pass it up. For the most part, all vintage things have something "wrong" with them and it just adds to the appeal for me. The ruffle is a Daisy Kingdom print. Neck strap and ties are roses prints.

Simply polka dots in red, pink and white. Roses trim adorn the middle. Pocket is a beautiful paisley roses. Almost Cath Kidston in its print but it isn't hers. Alas, I wish we could get her fabric here in a store instead of sending all the way to Great Britain for it. Sigh...

This one is stunning but I assure you it can be washed should the need arise. I make them beautiful but I also make them for the function they are intended: using in the kitchen to keep my clothes spotless! Let's face it: I'm a slob when it comes to cooking. This one has very high-end fabrics on it and if someone can't bring themselves to wear it to cook in, then it's absolutely gorgeous hanging on a peg in the kitchen. Roses, polka dots, ribbon embroidered fabric, rose trim and ribbon roses scattered all over it and topped off with an organza bow.

Again, I love this paisley fabric—which I scooped up in California several years ago and it is flannel! A very high end flannel and stunning. Bottom is a pink and white stripe with gathered ribbon across the front and a pink ribbon rose. The top I simply sewed on some cord I was going to throw away and added a cute "diamond" button. Darling! Ruffle is polka dots. I just love polka dots!! You can tell, right?!

Why is it that pink roses on black brings images of the french country side to me? Although it isn't especially "french country" it does remind me of France. Polka dots and vintage ecru lace across the middle and pink polka dots make up the ruffle with a pretty paisley pink pocket. Wide white rick rack and ribbon roses across the top.

I love this old fabric and decided to just make one that was one complete fabric on top and bottom. I then added the tiny rosebud pocket and a tone-on-tone white ruffle. It may be "plainer" than the rest but it still really cute. The neck strap and ties are another fabric however.

Yep, more roses but with a lot of green and a red and white check for the bottom. Wide rick rack. A little orange button in the shape of a ladies purse is on the middle just for fun. I love throwing in unexpected things on the aprons and that button just screamed to go on it because it is so totally different in its orange-yness. ;-)

Stripes for this one in a beautiful sort of ticking stripe of roses. Pink and white checks and a ribbon trim. Ruffle is another roses fabric and the neck strap and ties are polka dots.

I'm calling these "scraprons" as in "scrap aprons" —pronounced "scrape rons" or long A—because mostly these are made from scraps left over and I just couldn't figure out what to do with them until I decided to just put these together. I hope you enjoyed viewing them. There are more to come in the coming weeks.
Random Thought:
Why is it people will answer a question with an explanation instead of a "yes" or "no"? This happens with Love Bunny all the time. I'll ask him something and he'll think I'm "questioning" him in some way so he defends it when all I wanted was a "yes" or "no"! Hmmmm...very strange to me.