Gotta Do It

Gotta Do It
Okay, chicks, it's getting to where I had to bring the ol' exercise machine into the house. I was too lazy to go outside to the garage to work with it. Love Bunny brought it in about 2 weeks ago and took the red bench out to the front porch again. Sheeesh, will I ever stop moving furniture around in this house? I haven't even finished the family room "put back together" yet and am working on making some aprons for a class I'm giving in church (can this be called "service"?) and haven't even cleaned the toilets this week. This is our first real harvest from the pear tree we planted 3 years ago....

Out With The Old and In With The New.....

Out With The Old and In With The New.....
I've been experiencing a bit of a lag with my old Kenmore sewing machine but perhaps the reason is that I bought it in 1967 in 29 Palms, Calif. Yeah, it truly is that old. I've used it for making my kids' clothes and dresses, pillows, curtains and mending all those years.I remember once I was trying to make a wool blackwatch plaid shirt for Love Bunny and I got so frustrated I threw it in the garbage. (Or maybe HE did; can't remember.) I was a young housewife and mother and just was trying to be a model homemaker! Didn't work; I thought I was hopeless. But hubs fished it out of the garbage and...

Darling Aprons for Pink Saturday 9/26/09

Darling Aprons for Pink Saturday 9/26/09
Pink Saturday is once again here thanks to Beverly of HowSweetTheSound so go and view the other participants and get your fill of PINK, chicks!~*~I've finally finished the aprons I cut out and made into various stages of apron making for the church activity we had a week ago. It has taken me about 2 weeks to get all of them done, but they will be for sale if anyone is interested. Just email me from my sidebar. I make them in colors I love because if they don't sell then I get to keep them and I'll have no aprons—or anything, for that matter—in my home that isn't pleasing to my eye and in a color...

A Face A Mother AND Dave Could Love

A Face A Mother AND Dave Could Love
Introducing Stacey—mom extraordinaire, photographer extraordinaire and apron maker extraordinaire. She's a sweet little chick in our ward who just tried her hand at making an old fashioned apron with some retro-type fabric. Notice the Marilyn Monroe bodice. I think she did a fantastic job on it: big bows, a headband, plunging neckline with some sassy lime lace to match the fabric. And yep this brave little chick wore this to church today—all 3 hours. Very brave and chic of her. You go, girl!! She plans on making cinnamon rolls this winter with her new apron. I'm thrilled that she caught the "Apron...

Rhondi's Fall Party 9/22/09

Rhondi's Fall Party 9/22/09
Rhondi of RoseColoredGlasses is have a fall party. Visit with her to see the other participants.~*~As I've stated before I am not much for the colors of fall but it is a season I love because of the crispness in the air and the smells of baking that people usually do that time of year in anticipation of the holidays. Candy!!!! My favorite season is winter because I love the "snugginess" of it, and while I love snow I do NOT like to drive in it and pretty much don't unless there is an emergency. Sitting with a cup of hot chocolate while the first snow of the season drops down from the heavens is...

Never Go to a Ward Camp Out!

Never Go to a Ward Camp Out!
Since some of you might have missed this post I'm going to add it a few times to the beginning of some of my posts so I can get the word out. If any of you want to publicize this fact then be my guest in using these instructions or sending bloggers here to learn how to do this. I would love to be able to answer questions bloggers ask me by just clicking on their emails and returning it.~*~Okay, he did it again! As I've said he is always trying to get me to love camping and trying to drag me into the wilds of Idaho, but I wasn't tricked this time, chicks. Yep, here's the story this time.Our church...

Birthday Surprise!

Birthday Surprise!
I received a very surprise present from Lorena of RoseChicFriends the other day and was literally astounded by something I had mentioned that I wanted. This is a very creative woman who listens with her heart. She also does fantastic roses and is very talented in lots of other endeavors. I just love this lady! Though going through some trials of her own lately, she takes the time out to do something like this: painting a little tool box for ME! She is an exceptional chick.Not only the tool box but a hand painted hanging ornament, a fruity tea light and some of her beautiful clay roses. You really...

Just Desserts for Pink Saturday 9/19/09

Just Desserts for Pink Saturday 9/19/09
Okay, big news in our household. Our granddaughter is going to have a baby so in May next year we'll be great-grandparents!! We're so happy and excited. It's been 9 years since she got married. Squeeeeeallllll!!!!~*~Go visit Beverly at HowSweetTheSound for all the Pink Saturday participants. You'll love the things you see because they are for the most part PINK!~*~Hubs and I have been cleaning out lots of junk we just are not going to need anymore. I have dozens of books I'm going to give to the thrift store but while I was sorting I thought I'd share this dessert book I bought about 10 or so...
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