I saw some blogs months ago that had prom dress swaps or something like that and it got me to thinking about some old pictures of my proms that I had yet to scan into my computer. Now mind you, I've been meaning to do this for years! But never one to jump right into things helter skelter......hah.........NOT SO!! I'm the "Miss Jump Into It and Get It Done"! Anyway, I've been scanning the old photos lately. I look at these and think how young Jack and I were. No, he's not in any of these pictures but we were soooo funny looking as we look back 50 years ago. I guess you could call us vintage also! So here are some pictures of me and .................. well, just read and you'll find out.
This is me at my senior prom. Yellow dress with lace, yellow gloves, yellow satin shoes dyed to match.