Posted by Unknown
Posted on 7:04 PM

Are these adorable or what?!?! I went to the "big city" today for fabric and to eat out with hubby and found these also. Jack wanted me to get more of the roses plates! Will wonders never cease?! But I said "no" that 2 are enough. I truly had to restrain myself but what am I going to do with 4 rose plates when I already have more than I can hang on the walls, fit into cabinets, lean against baseboards and stuff in boxes in the attic. Am I having a senior moment or what?! I think hubby was also stunned at me for turning down extra roses plates! Hmmmmm....... Anyway, here they are. My group of PRH sisters on an ebay group (who I refer to as chicks, chickees, chickadees, bunnies, sweets, sweetpeas, gals and various other terms of endearment - bratski for my daughter who is a member) of decorating and creating romantic homes will probably drool over these. And look at that little pink hearts bag in the background. It is adorable also. In fact, I'm sure they'll drool but they are mine. However...........................tune in tomorrow!
Okay!!!!!!!!! Now for the good part on this saturday......... I'm going to be giving away the bunny bowl. All you have to do is respond to this post and your name goes in a hat for a drawing next week to win it. Simple and easy. Even men could figure this one out! Hah. I love men!!