Take a look what can be done with a pass-through laundry room from the garage to the hallway. It's a tiny space probably 7' x 8' but I've given it a little "oooomph" with a rose border. I could not find a laundry room border appropriate to my taste and roses never fail! Then I found an old clothespin bag and hung it on a little metal hook. The laundry sign I decoupaged and tried to sell on ebay and didn't sell. Now I'm glad it didn't because it looks adorable in my laundry room. I can make others just like it though, so if anyone is interested go to the miscellaneous page of this site and you'll see it available. The little french laundry packets are included with fabric that I buy from a woman on ebay. They have sweet smelling detergent in them so I am going to use them but I emptied the envelopes and put them on the wall above the sign. I also have some on the message board that shows in the third picture. There was a "command center panel" there and it was ugly so I covered it up with a lovely message board.
So "gussy" up even the least "handsome" room in your home with "energetic abandon" and see what you can do. It is, after all, your home!
So "gussy" up even the least "handsome" room in your home with "energetic abandon" and see what you can do. It is, after all, your home!