I've added some decals to the soffit. And I went shopping to buy some more whimsical plates. Here are the results above.
I spent saturday and monday taking plates off the soffit of my kitchen and trying to come up with some new ideas to do. I follow my own rules in decorating. I rarely follow the "established" rules of the decorating divas because I figure I'm "unique" and my home should reflect ME not the magazines or friends. Just ME! So here's what I did. I collect all kinds of ephemera - postcards, cards of roses that people send me, calendars that we used the previous years, just about anything with cottages and roses on it. Framing costs a lot these days also. One picture I recently had done was $300.00 for me and that was with 50% off. It would have cost me $600.00 if there hadn't been a sale!! Well, that is out of my price range but it was a very special large lithograph. So I use old frames that were purchased years ago and are just lying around. When those run out, I resort to FunTac! Now that is the yellowish play-doh looking stuff that is designed for attaching something to the wall or whatever. It peels off easily, holds tight and doesn't leave a residue. I rounded up all the roses pictures I could find and fun-tac-ed them to the soffit. Then I hung a couple of the plates back up there. Try your own "style" and see what you can come up with.
I spent saturday and monday taking plates off the soffit of my kitchen and trying to come up with some new ideas to do. I follow my own rules in decorating. I rarely follow the "established" rules of the decorating divas because I figure I'm "unique" and my home should reflect ME not the magazines or friends. Just ME! So here's what I did. I collect all kinds of ephemera - postcards, cards of roses that people send me, calendars that we used the previous years, just about anything with cottages and roses on it. Framing costs a lot these days also. One picture I recently had done was $300.00 for me and that was with 50% off. It would have cost me $600.00 if there hadn't been a sale!! Well, that is out of my price range but it was a very special large lithograph. So I use old frames that were purchased years ago and are just lying around. When those run out, I resort to FunTac! Now that is the yellowish play-doh looking stuff that is designed for attaching something to the wall or whatever. It peels off easily, holds tight and doesn't leave a residue. I rounded up all the roses pictures I could find and fun-tac-ed them to the soffit. Then I hung a couple of the plates back up there. Try your own "style" and see what you can come up with.