Ramblings 10/31/2012

Ramblings 10/31/2012
Our hearts went out to those on the east coast enduring the hurricane Sandy. We have relatives in Pennsylvania, Cape Cod, West Virginia, Virginia and New York. They all told us they were hunkering down awaiting the fury. We have faith in God that they'll be protected. It isn't easy having to wait out Nature's fury but it has been this way since the beginning of time. If ye are prepared, you need not fear. And hubs and I are temporally prepared. I need all the help I can get spiritually though. And I'm working on that! But we pray several times a day in this house and truly anguish over the loss...

A Story About Cotton Sheets

A Story About Cotton Sheets
First of all, yeah, yeah, I know, another "first of all" but I think you'll like this one.I have had so many bloggers email me and ask about my photos. Now, I am NOT going to give my sources; you'll have to figure out your own sources. But I will tell you that I'm in the process of loading a lot of them to a website for you to view. I have well over 14,000 of them so far. I only post about 15 on each blog post. I truly want to share with you and you can grab any you want. I don't care one bit. I am truly, truly excited to share with you but it will take me a long time. So I'm dedicating the time...

Ramblings 10/27/2012

Ramblings 10/27/2012
Ramblings today.Finger-tight has a whole new meaning when you're married to Love Bunny. Now, he is the strongest man I know. He and my oldest grandson have no idea of their strength. They just don't have a clue. When being hugged by our oldest grandson, who is 28, it actually hurts. He always apologizes, but at 6'4" his hugs get my upper back just under the arm pits and it hurts so bad I always have to tell him to back off. Hubs doesn't do that to me, but if he grips my ankle to apply lotion to my feet or puts my socks on my feet (I know; I'm spoiled!) I have to tell him to stop. He just doesn't...

Greetings from Jubilee Furniture!

Greetings from Jubilee Furniture!
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