Welcome to Pink Saturday once again. Go and visit with Beverly at her blog and enjoy perusing all the pinkness over there.

I mentioned recently that I'm looking for a new toilet. Let me tell you about it. And you will never, ever see an ad on this blog. I am paid absolutely nothing to show you these toilets. I'm simply a woman on a mission for a new toilet! So read on.
If a toilet can stop up, I'm you're man...uh, woman. Don't know why but hubs doesn't do it. I do and I'm teased mercilessly by my family.
First of all, when you Google toilets, from there on out into eternity, everything that has advertising on it brings up the toilets you're looking at. So for those of you who have blogs with ads, that's what I see smack dab in the middle of your beautiful blog posts. I'm not keen on that, just so you know. It truly destroys the beauty of most of the blogs.
Anyway, I Googled best/high rated toilets. I found one of the most expensive toilets available—the Toto Neorest 600. It does it all. Let me list its features: automatic open and close lid, three cleansing modes (?), hands-free automatic flush, cyclone siphon jet flushing system, adjustable warm air dryer, built-in air purifying system, oscillating and pulsating comfort washing(? use imagination here), front and rear cleanse (? again, imagination!), self-cleaning nozzle, slim and sleek remote control (why?), adjustable heated seat temperature, adjustable spray with precision positioning (? and again, imagination here), energy-saver timer, manual override function, adjustable water temperature, warm air dryer, rimless design ensures a clean bowl rinse after each use, SanaGloss glaze keeps the Neorest cleaner, longer. (I'm just hoping the weird men don't hear about these toilets (starts with a P), I hesitate to mention what they're called because I'll be googled and...well, you know what I mean, if not, see the preceding paragraph.) Have I put in too many parentheses in this post?!! Sigh.
Now, the Kohler/American Standard Champion 4 doesn't do all that and I'm not paying $5,000 for a toilet, but for $218 at Home Depot the Champion will flush 24 golf balls, 20 marshmallows, 350 mini test balls, one man's tie, 2 wash cloths, 4 cell phones, 65 small toys, 2 lbs. of cat litter, 2 banana peels, 1 lb. of orange peels, 8 large hot dogs, 2.5 lbs. of chicken nuggets, 3 sliders, 100 cotton balls, 40 feet of toilet paper and 2.5 lbs. of children's clay plus it has an Ever-clean surface and that's what I'm looking for—a toilet that doesn't stop up and keeps clean. Here's a photo of each one. Just look at these babies and the reality of seeing it is far beyond my blog photos. The Champion is elegantly designed and truly beautiful, so I can only imagine what the Toto Neorest 600 is like in reality. It is truly elegant in its design as you can see in the second photo below.
It has been purchased and will be properly installed within a few days. I also put the old toilet—above, the last photo—on Craigslist and got calls within 5 minutes and the first caller came over and took it. It was free. We got calls all night and even after we went to bed! Then I had several the next morning. I couldn't believe so many people needed a toilet. But it is kind of cute with the decal on it.
Fantastic room! Gold and pink. My kind of room.

If a toilet can stop up, I'm you're man...uh, woman. Don't know why but hubs doesn't do it. I do and I'm teased mercilessly by my family.
First of all, when you Google toilets, from there on out into eternity, everything that has advertising on it brings up the toilets you're looking at. So for those of you who have blogs with ads, that's what I see smack dab in the middle of your beautiful blog posts. I'm not keen on that, just so you know. It truly destroys the beauty of most of the blogs.
Anyway, I Googled best/high rated toilets. I found one of the most expensive toilets available—the Toto Neorest 600. It does it all. Let me list its features: automatic open and close lid, three cleansing modes (?), hands-free automatic flush, cyclone siphon jet flushing system, adjustable warm air dryer, built-in air purifying system, oscillating and pulsating comfort washing(? use imagination here), front and rear cleanse (? again, imagination!), self-cleaning nozzle, slim and sleek remote control (why?), adjustable heated seat temperature, adjustable spray with precision positioning (? and again, imagination here), energy-saver timer, manual override function, adjustable water temperature, warm air dryer, rimless design ensures a clean bowl rinse after each use, SanaGloss glaze keeps the Neorest cleaner, longer. (I'm just hoping the weird men don't hear about these toilets (starts with a P), I hesitate to mention what they're called because I'll be googled and...well, you know what I mean, if not, see the preceding paragraph.) Have I put in too many parentheses in this post?!! Sigh.
Now, the Kohler/American Standard Champion 4 doesn't do all that and I'm not paying $5,000 for a toilet, but for $218 at Home Depot the Champion will flush 24 golf balls, 20 marshmallows, 350 mini test balls, one man's tie, 2 wash cloths, 4 cell phones, 65 small toys, 2 lbs. of cat litter, 2 banana peels, 1 lb. of orange peels, 8 large hot dogs, 2.5 lbs. of chicken nuggets, 3 sliders, 100 cotton balls, 40 feet of toilet paper and 2.5 lbs. of children's clay plus it has an Ever-clean surface and that's what I'm looking for—a toilet that doesn't stop up and keeps clean. Here's a photo of each one. Just look at these babies and the reality of seeing it is far beyond my blog photos. The Champion is elegantly designed and truly beautiful, so I can only imagine what the Toto Neorest 600 is like in reality. It is truly elegant in its design as you can see in the second photo below.

It has been purchased and will be properly installed within a few days. I also put the old toilet—above, the last photo—on Craigslist and got calls within 5 minutes and the first caller came over and took it. It was free. We got calls all night and even after we went to bed! Then I had several the next morning. I couldn't believe so many people needed a toilet. But it is kind of cute with the decal on it.
Fantastic room! Gold and pink. My kind of room.
This reminds me of a doll house.
A blogger emailed me and said she loves yellow especially with her blues so this is for her. ;-)
A very clever idea if you have a plethora of old doors in your garage or storage shed. Personally, I would not want to dust the doors. Walls don't need dusting but these doors would. This photo is courtesy of (c) Thomas Mayer or at http://thomasmayerarchive.decategories.php?cat_id=2737
Just because it's pretty.
I thought this was a cute idea for a photo shoot. Very clever.
This looks like looking through a bridge opening into a home and yard but if that is the case it would be under water. So this must be an architectural element here.
I just thought this was an interesting room.
Who would ever have thought an old hospital bed could look this cute in a home?
I. Love. This. Room!
You will notice the bottles here that could be decorated? Hmmmm???
While a stunning room, it is not my taste but I thought some of you would love looking at it.
A French salt cellar.