Pink Saturday 7/2/2011 and Random Thoughts

Pink Saturday 7/2/2011 and Random Thoughts
Welcome to Pink Saturday, chicks! I know I've been absent from PS and from blogging but I am on a mission for my Church and that has to come first. More on that later. But please visit the other participants by clicking on the logo below to visit Beverly and this wonderful showing of the PINKS!*This is our front yard a few days ago. The roses are in full bloom and are gorgeous and very fragrant. Enjoy viewing them! I even got hubs to spring for another rose bush. I'll show it in a later post. It's magnificent also.These smell absolutely wonderful.And this one is one of my favorites. Actually,...

Walnut Kitchen Design Home

Walnut Kitchen Design Home
Walnut kitchen design h...

Living Room Decorating Ideas

Living Room Decorating Ideas
Living Room Decorating Living Room Decorating Ideas - View our bestselling art prints for the living r...

Country Decorating Ideas For Living Rooms | VIDEO | Housetohome

Country Decorating Ideas For Living Rooms | VIDEO | Housetohome
Country decorating ideas for living rooms | VIDEO | housetohomeHow to create a cosy country living room. We ask Country Homes and Interiors editor, Rhoda Parry for her top decorating tips from wallpaper to ...

Luxury Interior Design Living

Luxury Interior Design Living
Luxury Interior Design liv...

Home Library Design Ideas

Home Library Design Ideas
If you happen to be a book lover or a voracious reader, it is likely that you have built up quite a collection of books over the years. Home libraries help you organize your book collection, make it easier to find books and make reading fun and relaxing within the comforts of your home. Here are a few tips to design your home libraryWhile building a home library the three basic elements required are: space, shelves and books. You can either custom build a new room or choose an existing spacious room to house your books.Recessed or built-in bookshelves can provide floor-to-ceiling storage and space...

Professional Designer Secrets To Home Decor - Bird Wall Decals!

Professional Designer Secrets To Home Decor - Bird Wall Decals!
Professional Designer Secrets to Home Decor - Bird Wall Decals! Bird wall decals for your bedroom or living room wall stickers are easy to apply. Professional designers who specialize in ...

Tuesday's customer inspiration - Melissa's fantastic welcoming chair!

Tuesday's customer inspiration - Melissa's fantastic welcoming chair!
Melissa is a repeat Tuesday customer inspiration inspiration (see her amazing reading corner here). She's back this week with a chair she purchased from Jubilee which she transformed into a wonderful, welcoming planter by her front door.Though the following photo isn't the exact chair Melissa purchased - hers was very similar to this one and it looked very much like this when it left the store.Drum roll, please... (For full details on how Melissa turned a boring chair into an amazing planter check out her blog!)So sweet! I totally love what Melissa did! Her blog is equally inspiring.As I was searching...

Colors In The Interior Part I

Colors In The Interior Part I
Colors in the interior Part...

Painting A Living Room : Painting Living Room Walls With Rollers

Painting A Living Room : Painting Living Room Walls With Rollers
Painting a Living Room : Painting Living Room Walls with RollersRollers are useful for painting the majority of a living room wall. Paint a living room wall by using rollers with tips and techniques from a ...

Home Design Interior

Home Design Interior
home design inter...


GREAT ITALIAN AND FRENCH LIVING ROOM CHAISE LOUNGES, BENCHES SOFAS-HOME AND FINE ...Welcome to HOME & FINE ARTS. Visit our eBay store: HOTANTIQUES. Our warehouse is located in the heart of Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The warehouse is ...

Modern Home Interior On

Modern Home Interior On
modern home interior...

Sofas Chairs Contemporary Modern Leather Furniture Coffee Tables Contemporary Leather Sofas Lighting Floor Lamps Modern ...

Sofas Chairs Contemporary Modern Leather Furniture Coffee Tables Contemporary Leather Sofas Lighting Floor Lamps Modern ...
sofas chairs contemporary modern leather furniture coffee tables contemporary leather sofas lighting floor lamps modern ...Angeles and Palm Springs areas. Lawrance is your one-stop for your living room including sofas, sectionals, modern chairs, contemporary coffee ...

These Modern Interior Style

These Modern Interior Style
These modern interior st...

Painting A Living Room : Painting Living Room Walls

Painting A Living Room : Painting Living Room Walls
Painting a Living Room : Painting Living Room WallsCut into a living room by painting around the wall's perimeter. Paint a living room's walls with tips and techniques from aprofessional painting ...

Modern Home Interior Design

Modern Home Interior Design
Modern Home Interior Des...

Decorating My Small Living Room (Clip 1)

Decorating My Small Living Room (Clip 1)
Decorating My Small Living Room (Clip 1) My journey on decorating a small living room. Also includes a view of my small kitchen which I'm also ...

There’s nothing freaky about Jubilee Furniture–but lots of howling good deals that just might keep you up at night!

There’s nothing freaky about Jubilee Furniture–but lots of howling good deals that just might keep you up at night!
You know what’s freaky?  Being woken at 2:00 a.m. by a coyote yowling outside your window – that’s what.  I was in a deep sleep when this unearthly sound penetrated my dreams and as I surfaced I honestly didn’t know where I was.  Both my husband and daughter were also wakened by the noise and all three of us stumbled to the window to see if we could spy the coyote making it (so we could verify it was an animal and not a figment of our imaginations?  to see if it needed help?  to make sure we weren’t under attack by killer coyotes?).  No one could see much of anything...
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