The rose garden is in bloom now with hundreds of roses all of a sudden. It's gorgeous!
It was a cloudy afternoon so I clicked on the flash to get truly good colors and to test how they would turn out. I'm very pleased with the results.

This looks like it's on its last leg, but it isn't. The color is pink with a yellow center. Just beautiful when viewed in person.
It was a cloudy afternoon so I clicked on the flash to get truly good colors and to test how they would turn out. I'm very pleased with the results.
This looks like it's on its last leg, but it isn't. The color is pink with a yellow center. Just beautiful when viewed in person.
And since so many bloggers have emailed me asking to use some of my other roses photos, I'll let you use these without asking me but as a courtesy, if you do, please link back to me so as to share all of them with others. Thank you for your kindness and consideration.
And just guess what hubs is doing. At about 2:00 in the afternoon he set out what was for dinner that night! He's driving me nutty doing this. Sigh... I can whip this out about 2 minutes before I start to cook. I don't need to see it on my counter top all afternoon. Actually, this is the first time he tried that Tuna Helper. I had leftover spaghetti and he cooked this dish. It smelled up the house something awful. We had to spray freshener, open doors, turn on the fan over the stove, fan in the living room and wash the dishes before we could stand to breathe. That's the last time he gets that dish, trust me!
And can you believe when I went to the store to buy some more just regular plain old thumb tacks they didn't have any? All they had were these darling ones, but they're giant thumb tacks and I can use them, but regular ones?!