Wrought Iron Chandelier

Wrought Iron Chandelier
Update on Blogging Tutorial by clicking and go to the end of the Tutorial to see some new updates. You won't be sorry you read it but you CAN be sorry you don't. It's up to you.~*~Hubby finally found this chandelier up in the garage attic. I bought it on a trip to Pennsylvania in the late 80s to visit his parents. Our son, daughter-in-law and grandson went with us. We toured the countryside one day because I wanted to visit a shop I had read about in a magazine. We found it and purchased several things and she graciously shipped them back for us. It was quite a unique experience and I truly loved...

Bathroom Shower Tile Ideas

Bathroom Shower Tile Ideas
Nowadays designing the bath afterward altered capacity has become a trend. To accomplish your bath attending adequate yet comfortable, you charge accept tiles of absolute colors. You charge additionally go for a able bath battery asphalt account as it will add up to the brightness of your bathroom. These battery tiles are begin in assorted shapes and designs and anniversary of these designs is begin in altered amount ranges.Thus, while selecting your bath battery asphalt ideas, firstly you will charge to adjudge on your account and again baddest the abstracts accordingly. You can get bath battery...

New Concept Design Modern Bathrooms

New Concept Design Modern Bathrooms
Rexa staleness be born very recently but its collections are par excellence. With a exteroception of having long-lasting bathrooms, this European consort has carved a niche for itself in the concern of room manufacturers. Having introduced a sort of new materials, the bathrooms which are conception of the collections are spacious with freestanding, built-in bathtubs.These concept bathrooms are inspired by the thought ‘Space Navigation’ where the whole collection beautifully comes together as each example is vividly circumscribed by the curves and smoothness. Everything found in these bathrooms...

Decorating Bathroom Walls - Sleek Polished Sophisticated Look

Decorating Bathroom Walls - Sleek Polished Sophisticated Look
Bathrooms are not aloof for account purposes in today's lifestyle. This is the abode you can set your affection for the day advanced or abundance and relax you at the day's end. Depending on your decorating actualization this allowance can be sleek, polished, adult or animation like a diamond.There is a all-inclusive arrangement of decorating account and techniques to accomplish this allowance flash with your personality. Before you get started, booty a acceptable attending at the size, actualization and the adornment that is already in the room. Decide what needs a beginning new attending and...

Kitchen Design Begins Online

Kitchen Design Begins Online
Your kitchen acclimate is apparently article you've looked advanced to for a continued time.Even admitting you may be afraid to get started, it is consistently appropriate to booty your time while planning your new kitchen. One of the best accoutrement that avant-garde kitchen designers accept at their fingertips is the World Wide Web.Obviously, unless you're a able artist or architect you may not be able to booty on the absolute kitchen acclimate yourself. There are abounding important considerations which the boilerplate homeowner may not be acquainted of. If you abort to booty these into consideration,...

Private Tour - A Subtle Sense of Style

Private Tour - A Subtle Sense of Style
A former gatehouse to the mews of Chevy Chase, the 1937 property possesses good bones, with tall windows and original molding.The two hit it off right away. Thai helped Bond hone collection, selecting pieces with clean, delicate lines and sending many of the couple’s English antiques down to their home in Mexico, Missouri.Except for a few botanical prints, the Bonds kept traditional artwork at a minimum. Instead, unadorned architectural elements make bold yet monochromatic statements. A pair of early 19th-century columns discovered at an antiques show in Annapolis flanks a Swedish settee in the...

I'd like to thank the Academy

I'd like to thank the Academy
Chicago Reader's Best of Chicago 2010 lists Jubilee Furniture under the category of Best Thrift Store! On their website http://www.chicagoreader.com/ after you click on the 2010 Best Of Chicago title, go to Goods and Services and then The Reader's Picks and finally Best Thrift Store and you'll find the write-up about Jubilee Furniture! How cool is that?!Though the Friday hours listed in the article are incorrect (we open at 1:00 p.m. not 11:00 a.m.) and technically the store isn't in a mini-mall (just one building sitting there all alone - though there are other buildings close by) and I'm not...

Because Froufrou Counts!

Because Froufrou Counts!
I am going to start a Froufrou Friday on my blog. If you'd like to participate, just let me know. All you have to do is show something sweet, decorative and/or froufrou around your house or something you are working on. I think it'll be fun. I'll give the details in a few days. We'll start in July on a friday. I'll certainly let you know in a few days.~*~By now you should know my philosophy: Roses in every yard and froufrou in every house. Uh huh!! :-) So with the sweet letter I got from my letter swap pal in Ireland and the letter written on beautiful roses scrapbooking paper I made this in remembrance...

Culinablu modern European kitchens - new kitchen design elements

Culinablu modern European kitchens - new kitchen design elements
Culinablu Kitchen DesignKitchen Decoration Themes - Kitchen decorItalian Kitchens Picture GalleryEuropean ingenuity and style create modern kitchens of dramatic form and function. Culinablu have developed sophisticated contemporary kitchens that feature fabulously designed centrepieces. Using luxurious lacquers, veneers, and wood with sleek glass and metal; Culinablu create stylish walls of cabinetry units. Within these designer panels Culinablu fit iconic fixtures like convex and concave cabinets. A fantastic round sink with movable chopping boards and work surfaces, can form the centre of these...

Black and White Modern Kitchen Design

Black and White Modern Kitchen Design
Modern Kitchen DesignBlack & White Modern Kitchen Design transparent colorBlack & White Modern Kitchen Design from Christopher C. Deam’s work at one time or another even if we weren’t looking for it. The Cohen project is high lighted by the contrasting black and white kitchen with a few splashes of transparent color. Black & White Modern Kitchen Design the wood grain on this almost black stained wood.Black & White Modern Kitchen DesignKitchen CabinetBlack & White Modern Kitchen Design wood grain Future KitchensBlack & White Modern Kitchen Design almost black stained w...

Modern Revolving Circular Kitchen from Compact Concepts

Modern Revolving Circular Kitchen from Compact Concepts
Modern Revolving Circular KitchenThis Modern Revolving Circular Kitchen from Compact Concepts can also be equipped alternatively with freestanding appliances in own contribution. The circular kitchen will be delivered as a modular construction system in easy to transport package units. Craft skilled persons are able to assemble and install the circular kitchen within a short time. Connection of electrical appliances and plumbing has to be carried out by qualified professionals. The product is constantly developed further. Subject to alteration. The circular kitchen is being produced in accordance...

Roses Again and Some Random Thoughts for Pink Saturday 6/26/2010

Roses Again and Some Random Thoughts for Pink Saturday 6/26/2010
Welcome once again to Beverly of How Sweet The Sound and Pink Saturday.This past week I visited with Shirley of Shirley's World and Jenn of Whinenroses. Visit with them and tell them I sent you.~*~Can you stand to look at more roses in my garden? I certainly hope so because I love looking at them. ;-) It's also a pleasure to be able to share them with you all.This will be the 2nd year for this hosta and it thrives in this spot under my office window.Our pathetic little rhododendron is finally starting to show some growth. It's been quite a struggle for it but maybe it'll survive.A David Austen...
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