Happy pink saturday. Please go to Beverly of HowSweetTheSound and view all the participants. This past week I visited The American Homemaker and Teacups and Mosaics blogs. I truly enjoyed myself! Go visit someone you haven't visited before and you might just delight yourself!
Breakfast is not my favorite meal of the day. My mother loved to go out for breakfast, and I could never understand why. I much prefer going out for lunch or dinner; actually, both if possible when I can talk Love Bunny into it. But I usually have an english muffin for breakfast or a bowl of shredded wheat. The best muffins in the world are Thomas' English Muffins—bar none. I've tried many different ones that are less expensive but these are the best. They just have that yeasty smell and taste that sets my taste buds watering. The only ones that can come close are Franz which I think is a brand out here in the west—not sure, but they come 10 to a package as opposed to 6 for the Thomas' and Love Bunny said we need to economize. The nerve of the man! BUT if I have leftover mashed potatoes so much the better. I can pass up eggs with NO problem. I am definitely not fond of them. Now, if we really want to go all out then I'd settle for cinnamon rolls, a piece of pie, donuts or pastries and hash browns with Johnsonville brown sugar and maple sausages. OR french toast, pancakes or waffles. Yummmm.... What is your favorite breakfast?
Now, I thought I'd share some images for you to use as you would like in scrapbooking or whatever. But remember when you print them to set your printer settings for them; otherwise, they could print out huge.


Breakfast is not my favorite meal of the day. My mother loved to go out for breakfast, and I could never understand why. I much prefer going out for lunch or dinner; actually, both if possible when I can talk Love Bunny into it. But I usually have an english muffin for breakfast or a bowl of shredded wheat. The best muffins in the world are Thomas' English Muffins—bar none. I've tried many different ones that are less expensive but these are the best. They just have that yeasty smell and taste that sets my taste buds watering. The only ones that can come close are Franz which I think is a brand out here in the west—not sure, but they come 10 to a package as opposed to 6 for the Thomas' and Love Bunny said we need to economize. The nerve of the man! BUT if I have leftover mashed potatoes so much the better. I can pass up eggs with NO problem. I am definitely not fond of them. Now, if we really want to go all out then I'd settle for cinnamon rolls, a piece of pie, donuts or pastries and hash browns with Johnsonville brown sugar and maple sausages. OR french toast, pancakes or waffles. Yummmm.... What is your favorite breakfast?
Now, I thought I'd share some images for you to use as you would like in scrapbooking or whatever. But remember when you print them to set your printer settings for them; otherwise, they could print out huge.