What Is It About Organizing?

What Is It About Organizing?
Women are notorious organizers. I am. We need a certain order in our lives or we can't function well. So...organizing again. Yep, I had to clean out some things. I know, I know, I keep doing this but I am trying my level best to get rid of some things. If more of you chicks lived near me you'd love what I'd be willing to give you. This is just the house part. Wait until we get to the attic Love Bunny made up over the garage. AND we've made several trips to the thrift stores and sold some things on craigslist.This is the craft room closet emptied out and after getting rid of several boxes of pillow...

Beautiful Images For You #4 for Pink Saturday

Beautiful Images For You #4 for Pink Saturday
Happy pink saturday. Be sure and visit with Beverly at HowSweetTheSound for the other participants.~*~I saw this done on another blog and can't remember for the life of me who it was, but I thought about it and how easy it was to do. So here is my new tassel. This will be a giveaway. ;-) So keep watching for the giveaway in the near future!~*~I thought I'd share these gorgeous images with you. A friend recently gifted me with a book from my favorite artist. I was stunned when I opened the package! I am so blessed by the women in my eBay group who are in my life.Now, you can print the paper out...

Here's what's new-to-us at Jubilee Furniture

Here's what's new-to-us at Jubilee Furniture
Hard week. Dave Buckson, our warehouse manager, has decided to pursue other job opportunities and gave his notice. Dave has been a key part of our success and will be missed. Already looking for his replacement - though Dave leaves big shoes to fill (both figuratively and literally - Dave's 6'5" and has big feet!). Know anyone who has his CDL - class C - license and a strong back? Tell him to contact me. It's a full time position with benefits.Dave's still working for the next week and great donations continue to come in, so let's get down to it:Gorgeous black oval pedestal table for $175 (no...

Vain Things—A Social Commentary

Vain Things—A Social Commentary
I want to talk about some serious things at the moment—things that are definitely applicable to today's social environment. But first some eye candy images for you to use as you see fit. There are LOTS of ways to imagine using these images. Enjoy.Everyone enjoys roses in their creations, don't they?And these little paper dolls could be put to adorable use for school age children and valentines.Getting ready for easter? Try these.Lots of projects could be made with this one.~*~My church has counseled us to avoid becoming preoccupied with the vain things of the world. "The vain things of [the] world...

Wordless Wednesday 2/24/2010

Wordless Wednesday 2/24/2010

Things I Never Knew About

Things I Never Knew About
Now, I do realize since we don't have a TV anymore that I miss out on a lot of new stuff coming out of corporations, but I had no idea they could make something that kept your toilet cleaner without a brush!Sitting in my dentist's office about a week ago I was watching their TV when a commercial came on advertising Scrubbing Bubbles toilet gel. Well, I rushed right out to get it as soon as these size 9 feet could carry me. Truly, I was skeptical but I hate cleaning the toilet so much that I told Love Bunny I was going to spend the $3.42 to try it. If it helped, good deal and if not, I was only...

Luxury Bathtub Design

Luxury Bathtub Design
Luxury Bathtub Designmodern bathtub designBathtub DesignModern Interior Bathroom Design IdeasHere is the new bathroom products by Pearl Bath in their New Eterne Series. Pearl Bath usually offers an exceptional range of bathroom products designed to provide relief and relaxation for body, mind and soul.Amazing Furniture Design luxury bathtubUltra Modern Bathroom Faucet from Bandini Amazing ultra modern bathroom designs inspirationChange a tired master bathroom into a luxurious retreat with the Eterne drop-in bathtub by Pearl Bath. With its seamless design, Eterne bathtub is luxury...

Retro Style Bedroom Decoration

Retro Style Bedroom Decoration
Retro Style Bedroom DecorationRetro bedroom furniture Bedroom Modern Interior DesignLuxury and Modern Bedrooms by AnsweredesignBring a smart inspiration to create an american style bedroom to middle-income America in the most convenient way possible. Snuggle up in a cozy, olive green and butter yellow bedroom with chocolate accents bedroom decoration or relax in a cozy, exotic Contemporary Safari Bedroom Decoration with soothing colors and fabrics to create american style look in your home! Modern Furnitureinterior design bedroomModern Bedroom Design Bedroom Interior Design...
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