Time for another Pink Saturday venturing into the pinks of our lives. Thanks to Beverly of Howsweetthesound for hosting this event.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, ugly goes on my fridge. Actually, I try to keep it uncluttered, but if something needs to be on there, it is put on there with these little magnets that I think are lovely. If you know of any pretty froufrou-y ones, will you please let me know? I can't find any more of them and I need some AND I believe in supporting artisans when I can.

These are ones I made.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, ugly goes on my fridge. Actually, I try to keep it uncluttered, but if something needs to be on there, it is put on there with these little magnets that I think are lovely. If you know of any pretty froufrou-y ones, will you please let me know? I can't find any more of them and I need some AND I believe in supporting artisans when I can.
These are ones I made.
Random Thoughts:
While driving over to Seattle, Wa., recently we noticed some road signs that were a tad different from ours here in Idaho. One that was intriguing was a sign to report abusers of the diamond lane:
Now, I don't know about you, and I hate seeing people in the diamond lane with only one in it, but to call someone a "hero" for turning someone in for that is called something else in my book. I found that unusual.
Did you know that if you leave your Pepsi/Coke out of the fridge all night that all the calories disappear? Trust me, I believe it. ;-)
As most of you know, it can get very cold here in Idaho. In December it got down into the teens a lot and into single digits several days and below zero several nights. But through all this I saw teenagers and preteens walking to school with only sweaters and short pants one day in 22° weather. While our cold is different from the eastern cold, that's still a bit chilly to see them almost freezing. These same kids can't sit through church without borrowing daddy's coat when they look like they're shivering in the nicely heated church building! Go figure.
I have several pet peeves, but one that ranks right up there with trying to pass me on the right shoulder of the road is people who don't return calls. Now look, I may not be too fond of you and certainly don't want to talk to you but there are times when I NEED to talk to you concerning something in my church calling. But you don't answer the phone, let it go to voice mail and I still don't hear from you in this century! Why in the heck to you have 3 phones and I can't reach you on any of them?!
Recently Love Bunny and I were at our chiropractor's office and 2 women were talking about wrinkles. It's a very small reception room and I couldn't help overhearing but just kept quiet. The woman sitting next to me turned to me and said, "You don't have any wrinkles." Now, this is not entirely true; I do, but that certainly was a nice compliment. Later on as I was mentioning it to Love Bunny he said, "Yes, you do." Okaaaaay, I think I may have to "knee cap" him for that statement. He would have been better advised to keep his mouth firmly closed. Hmmmmmm?
One of my goals in life is to get through it without my vehicle's air bags deploying!