Gifts for New Great Granddaughter

Gifts for New Great Granddaughter
I'm somewhat—but not compulsive—about the things of my forefathers and foremothers. I mean if I have something my grandmother gave me, I cherish it, but I certainly would never, ever fight my siblings over something. It just isn't worth the time, trouble or negative feelings you get from those disputations with family.My parents were divorced after about 38 years of marriage and each remarried. They're both deceased now but my father had a pocket watch from my mother's father. It never stated in any will that it was his—my brother's—so it went to his widow. My brother laments to this day over...

The Eleventh Hour - A Curious Mystery

The Eleventh Hour - A Curious Mystery
When I buy a book whether in the book store or online I always write my name in it with the date that I bought it. Thus back in 1990 I bought this very clever picture book. I say clever because it shows intelligence and skill by the author, Graeme Base. The Eleventh Hour - A Curious Mystery is a book that appeals to all ages. It's a mystery albeit for children also. I've included a few photos to provoke an interest. But as you can see, I've never broken the seal at the back of the book. That's not to say I haven't peeked! ;-)Depending on the cleverness of your child, I should say it's for ages...

Small Acts of Kindness

Small Acts of Kindness
Every now and then we'll open a file cabinet or dresser drawer and find something the donor has accidentally forgotten about and left in there. Depending on what it is, I'll contact them and see that the item is returned. That happened recently and the donor had moved out of state so I prepared a package and mailed the items to her. Yesterday I received the nicest thank you card back and she ended the note with these words, "You just never know what seemingly small act of kindness does." I love it! It's so true, yet how often do my small acts of kindness come with a string attached? I'll let you...

Beautiful Images For You #1 and Pink Saturday

Beautiful Images For You #1 and Pink Saturday
Join Beverly of HowSweetTheSound and the other participants for Pink Saturday and see all the pink items. You'll be delighted for sure, Chicks.~*~I am a firm believer in sharing. I cannot even tell you how many images I have from when I was designing templates. I don't do that anymore but I thought I'd start sharing with you so you can use them also. I probably have well over 10,000 images so I'll put some on here from time to time so you can use in your scrapbooking, crafting or any way you wish. As you can see I'll be numbering them so count on a number 2 sometime soon. I promise you it will...

Contemporary Bedroom Interior design - Bedroom decorating

Contemporary Bedroom Interior design - Bedroom decorating
luxury bedroom inspirationModern Interior design - Bedroom DecorationStylish and modern Interior design - BedroomModern Bedroom Interior Design Urano Bed written by Leonardo Dainelli, ordinarily S character used by chair/rocking chair. However Leonardo Dainelli emanate the brand new minimalist bed pattern innovation. Urano bed, the the erotically appealing impassioned object, headboard as well as support form the figure of tall density dangling upon bottom in varnished steel. Visit Falegnameria for some-more report about this bed.Bedroom Decor & InspirationsModern Bedroom Design plus JacuzziModern...

Designer Italian Furniture - Luxury Shelf

Designer Italian Furniture  - Luxury Shelf
Contemporary Italian FurnitureModern Shelf design Paola Navone is the exception on the Italian design scene. For the past thirty years she has been a welcome feature of the otherwise male-dominated Italian design elite. Navone works as an interior designer and consultant to furniture and material manufacturers. In her designs she always tries to combine modern design with traditional handicraft. For Italian furniture company Lando the designer created the Gingerbread furniture series.Her Gingerbread collection for Lando has surrealist, theatrical touches and looks almost childlike. The...
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