Happy Thanksgiving. Hubby and I are off having the holiday with my daughter, granddaughter and grandson. I hope you're with family and enjoying the blessing of having those you love around you and lots of food on the table.
Another Marie Antoinette doll I finished in which I used the court jester diamond pattern since it's rather French looking and would have been frivolous and light-hearted for Marie. Throughout history the necklace has always been indicative of her beheading so I added that and a ribbon to the form.

Another Marie Antoinette doll I finished in which I used the court jester diamond pattern since it's rather French looking and would have been frivolous and light-hearted for Marie. Throughout history the necklace has always been indicative of her beheading so I added that and a ribbon to the form.
And here she is on her pestestal.
And I should advise you to keep alert to this blog because....
...this Marie dress form will be a giveaway soon! Yep, you heard that right. She's going to be given away!!!

I'm grateful for patience. I don't have any but Love Bunny does because he'd have to have a lot to be married to me. So I'm grateful for him putting up with my impatience.