When Natasha announced this event I was hesitant at first, not for any particular reason other than I'm so busy at this time in my life that I wasn't sure I wanted to take on another "thing or event" to stress me out. But after a few days I thought "why not" and decided to enter. Truly I am not a chick who has a problem doing things for myself. I try to not be egotistical or narcissistic but I think we all are to some degree even if fractionally. I am truly trying to be like my Lord and be humble, submissive and loving as He is though. But I digress from the story.
So I decided to do something I've been wanting to do for a year: make a beautiful cuff that I've seen on Natasha's blog. I hemed and hawed about this for weeks and finally it got down to the wire to the point that I either do it or drop out. So off to WM and Joanns I go to look at their laces. The lace sat around for days before I even took it out of the small bag. When I finally did, I took measurements of my wrist. Okay, now what to do? I've never made one before but I knew that this one wouldn't be given away or sold so that was the toughest part—doing something from my heart because it was mine to keep and to pass to my daughter or granddaughter as a rememberance of me and my taste and hoping they would wear it someday. And if the new great grandbaby is a girl then I sure hope she is froufrou like her great grandmother—me. (Oh, btw, I've decided what I want that baby to call me: GG, standing for great-grandma since my grandkids call me Nana. I selected what I wanted them to call me before the first one was born). That's my privilege. :-)
So here is what I made just for me and my progeny.
My cuff started with lace and I then added a vintage crocheted rose I have been saving for something special.

So I decided to do something I've been wanting to do for a year: make a beautiful cuff that I've seen on Natasha's blog. I hemed and hawed about this for weeks and finally it got down to the wire to the point that I either do it or drop out. So off to WM and Joanns I go to look at their laces. The lace sat around for days before I even took it out of the small bag. When I finally did, I took measurements of my wrist. Okay, now what to do? I've never made one before but I knew that this one wouldn't be given away or sold so that was the toughest part—doing something from my heart because it was mine to keep and to pass to my daughter or granddaughter as a rememberance of me and my taste and hoping they would wear it someday. And if the new great grandbaby is a girl then I sure hope she is froufrou like her great grandmother—me. (Oh, btw, I've decided what I want that baby to call me: GG, standing for great-grandma since my grandkids call me Nana. I selected what I wanted them to call me before the first one was born). That's my privilege. :-)
So here is what I made just for me and my progeny.
My cuff started with lace and I then added a vintage crocheted rose I have been saving for something special.

Then a lovely rhinestone button for its center. Another pink sparkly button on the other side of the wristlet and then some ribbon roses.

Then since I love polka dots I added this cute little fuchsia button.

Then in the back a pretty dark pink button.

It is so funny because I wore this the day after I made it and did I get the looks from people! Not one asked me about it and it is very prominent on my wrist but lots of stares, I tell ya, chicks.
But I decided to go on and make a couple more for just me. This one is another one that I'll never get rid of because that piece of jewelry is precious to me.

Keeping this one also because the rose was given to me by my friend, Bertie. She's fantastic. I used my new sewing machine to do a smocking stitch and then a feather stitch with pink thread. I then added faux pearls and Bertie's rose.
But as I was making that one for me I also made a couple for the girls of a friend of ours. They are 11 and 9 years old so I think they'll be into froufrou-y stuff by now, right? I sure hope so.

For a friend who is going through a stressful time who will have received it by the time she reads this. Very french looking, don't you think?

These two I made to be given away to the Young Women class I instructed on making aprons.

And this one is for a very special friend of mine who just spoils me when.....well, whenever I least expect it. But then I never ever expect anything tangible from anyone! It's always, always a surprise when I receive anything. She, also, will have received it by the time she reads this.

And this one to a very special "southern belle" chick who adopted me. ;-) I sure hope she receives it by the time this is published. ;-) Surprise!!!!

I really thought I was done and then I had to do this beauty. Reminds me of a Snow Princess with its cool blues and pearls. The recipient will have this one before she sees this also. I love how the new sewing machine lets me embroider the ribbons so beautifully.

Who knows where this one will go? Wherever my heart leads it!

So in the end is it all about me? Maybe and then again maybe not because I get such pleasure from gifting my friends with these things. I did the ones for me first and then I thought how much pleasure the cuffs would bring my friends. And......I couldn't resist! And there will be more to come for some others. And.....maybe even a giveaway.....

But I decided to go on and make a couple more for just me. This one is another one that I'll never get rid of because that piece of jewelry is precious to me.

Keeping this one also because the rose was given to me by my friend, Bertie. She's fantastic. I used my new sewing machine to do a smocking stitch and then a feather stitch with pink thread. I then added faux pearls and Bertie's rose.

But as I was making that one for me I also made a couple for the girls of a friend of ours. They are 11 and 9 years old so I think they'll be into froufrou-y stuff by now, right? I sure hope so.

For a friend who is going through a stressful time who will have received it by the time she reads this. Very french looking, don't you think?

These two I made to be given away to the Young Women class I instructed on making aprons.

And this one is for a very special friend of mine who just spoils me when.....well, whenever I least expect it. But then I never ever expect anything tangible from anyone! It's always, always a surprise when I receive anything. She, also, will have received it by the time she reads this.

And this one to a very special "southern belle" chick who adopted me. ;-) I sure hope she receives it by the time this is published. ;-) Surprise!!!!

I really thought I was done and then I had to do this beauty. Reminds me of a Snow Princess with its cool blues and pearls. The recipient will have this one before she sees this also. I love how the new sewing machine lets me embroider the ribbons so beautifully.

Who knows where this one will go? Wherever my heart leads it!

So in the end is it all about me? Maybe and then again maybe not because I get such pleasure from gifting my friends with these things. I did the ones for me first and then I thought how much pleasure the cuffs would bring my friends. And......I couldn't resist! And there will be more to come for some others. And.....maybe even a giveaway.....