Why is it that accidents happen just when you're scrambling out the door? Hmmmm??!!! Yep, Tide went all over my shoes in the laundry room and under the shelf. I believe accidents happen in direct correlation to how close you are in making it to the post office in time to mail a package before post office closes.
I was thinking about my "trip to heaven" again the other day—ooooh, not that I'm in a big hurry mind you, but it got me to thinking about what I should pack for the trip. Hey, I've never been there and can certainly prolong THIS life a lot longer but I want to be prepared so I'm making a list of things I might need to pack.
You do understand that housework can definitely be equal, right??? You can hire a maid and then the hubby and wife can pay from their own wages. What could be more equal. Of course, that is NOT practiced in this household. I'm a stay-at-home wife now and I take my job very seriously. I care for our home and hubby helps me immensely! He works ridiculously hard for us and I owe it to him to make sure he's treated like the king he is.
A few months ago we bought a new mattress and foundation from a local place in Boise called Leisure Industries. They make their own bedding and some local radio personalities expounded on the virtues of their new beds so I thought I'd go check out the business. I tried out about 5 or 6 beds that day and settled on a foam one with a soft pillow top. The last time we bought a bed was 1989 at a Sears store and it was a foam one so and it was time. I absolutely, unequivocally love foam/latex mattresses. When hubs or I get up or turn over the other person doesn't feel it like you do in a standard bed. I could put a glass of water on it and it wouldn't spill.
Anyway, after receiving the new bed we noticed that our sheets didn't fit anymore because of the thicker mattress. So I was off to buy new sheets after giving our old ones to a friend. Well, I have to tell you about them. I bought 5 pairs a couple of weeks ago and not one of them was less than 200 thread count but some went up to 500 TC. One set was 210 thread count and egyptian combed cotton. I have never in my life felt such luxury! I'll never buy anything other than egyptian cotton again. Even hubs noticed the difference and the feel of luxury in those sheets. I haven't bought any polyester sheets for many years but even plain old cotton is better than that. However, if you want true luxury get high count egyptian cotton and you'll never sleep on anything else again. And this set cost me on $22.00 at a discount store. Beautiful and luxurious sheets even at 210 TC.

360 thread count. Both very nice and luxurious also. But I still prefer the egyptian cotton.
We all have dippy relatives - some more than others - and I'm no exception. In my religion we believe we will all be together in the eternities. It's this point that makes me wonder if I should change religions sometimes!
I grew up in the 40s and 50s and I believe we had a much better education back then. But especially our grammar and speaking skills were much better. I listen to teens I know talk and every 4th or 5th word out of their mouths is "like." And they say "he/she goes" when they are meaning "he/she says." I'm even hearing it out of our adults and find myself saying it sometimes. Yikes!! I'm an english major and fanatic about my native language. I wonder why they aren't correcting these young people in school. Since these are our future leaders and cannot form a proper sentence verbally or written it truly gives me pause as to how they will survive in the world. I speak and write properly when drafting letters or any correspondence. The only time this "flies out the window" is in instant messaging with my daughter. We've developed a sort of shorthand when doing that. Every other communication is done properly. Mothers, teach your children!! ;-) My old/former english teachers would stand aghast at how young people are talking today. And I'm not even mentioning the filth that comes out of their mouths. To me using bad words was a sign of lack of a proper vocabulary. (I have been known to utter "not so nice" words on occasion though so I "ain't perfect", ya know!)
I should say that a vast majority of the population today was born after the 60s and 70s. It is my opinion that they missed a lot of the fun things we did. Hide and go seek in the dark, black and white television, Howdy Doody, American Bandstand when the boys wore white shirts, ties and sport coats and the girls wore modest dresses.
There was a television commercial I remember and if you remember it also then you're really OLD. It was for Hoffman television and was a song actually.
I like Hoffman yes I do,
My whole family likes it too,
The golden lens I realize
Protects my children's precious eyes.
There has been much talk about the recession lately. I refuse to take part in it. The only way to get out of a recession is to spend. I'm doing my part. It has NOT hit this household and we refuse to add to it by not spending. Hubs might have a different take on this, trust me, but I know how to help the economy and it's us, not the government, that can do it! Trust me on this one also....... ;-)
I'm a note taker but when I'm lying in bed in the dark it's hard to write, so last week I went to Best Buy and bought a little hand held recorder. I keep it on my night stand at night and if I think of something I want to remember for a blog post or just in general something I need to remember I speak into it. Plus it's very handy when driving. I don't do well driving and writing so this is another reason I bought it. I keep it in my pocket during the day since it only weights about 2 ounces. But I'm loving it. No fancy do-dads, just a simple-to-operate recorder — even in the dark. But Love Bunny is wondering who I'm talking to in the dark sometimes. *Smile*!!
I love this conversation that happened recently:
"Go take a shower and I'll cook."
"You cook??
"No, I can dial."
(Can we say "take out" or "order in" here?!)
My kinda man!
My kinda meal:
Peanut butter and marshmallow creme — it has all the nutrients necessary, dessert is included with the "fluff" and there are no pots to clean! Yep, my kinda "cooking"!!!!
When you are applying face creams, moisturizers and other beauty stuff to your face, pat it on do NOT stroke it and stretch your skin. The Hollywood actors and actresses have terrible wrinkles because of all the heavy makeup they put on and take off. It adds years to your skin to stretch it by pulling on it. There isn't a photo of any of them that isn't edited with PhotoShop! They all have imperfections and terrible wrinkles doing this.
Young women today want to be older so fast now that I tell them when their friends are 18 and she is still 17 to think into the future. When their friend is 50 they'll still be in their 40s. They may not appreciate it as a teenager but they definitely will when they're in their 40s!! (Personal experience) *Wink*
When cleaning toilets the other day I wondered why I was cleaning it. I cleaned and then turned right around and used it and all that work went right down the drain - literally!! If a truly self-cleaning toilet ever comes on the market you don't wanna be in my way when they hit the market!
I am truly an "easy maintenance" type of chick. I went through childbirth and passing many kidney stones and never asked for anything except a pain killer and then to be left alone. Even with our friday night dates I can get by with a Big Mac, fries, apple pie and soda and be just as happy as going to Olive Garden, Outback or Applebees. Easy maintenance and cheap date. I'm a man's dream date!
I recently had a luncheon date with hubby but could not find a lavender sweater I had wanted to wear. I looked all over this house TWICE! Well, not one to miss a free meal at my favorite fish place in Boise, I improvised with another sweater. When I lamented this to hubby he asked if I checked the washer or dryer. When I got home I did and voilà, there it was in the dryer. He keeps me sane and clothed!
"It's wonderful what we can do if we're always doing."
George Washington
Women don't sweat; we glisten. I would rather bleed than "glisten"!
Connie ;-)
You do understand that housework can definitely be equal, right??? You can hire a maid and then the hubby and wife can pay from their own wages. What could be more equal. Of course, that is NOT practiced in this household. I'm a stay-at-home wife now and I take my job very seriously. I care for our home and hubby helps me immensely! He works ridiculously hard for us and I owe it to him to make sure he's treated like the king he is.
A few months ago we bought a new mattress and foundation from a local place in Boise called Leisure Industries. They make their own bedding and some local radio personalities expounded on the virtues of their new beds so I thought I'd go check out the business. I tried out about 5 or 6 beds that day and settled on a foam one with a soft pillow top. The last time we bought a bed was 1989 at a Sears store and it was a foam one so and it was time. I absolutely, unequivocally love foam/latex mattresses. When hubs or I get up or turn over the other person doesn't feel it like you do in a standard bed. I could put a glass of water on it and it wouldn't spill.
Anyway, after receiving the new bed we noticed that our sheets didn't fit anymore because of the thicker mattress. So I was off to buy new sheets after giving our old ones to a friend. Well, I have to tell you about them. I bought 5 pairs a couple of weeks ago and not one of them was less than 200 thread count but some went up to 500 TC. One set was 210 thread count and egyptian combed cotton. I have never in my life felt such luxury! I'll never buy anything other than egyptian cotton again. Even hubs noticed the difference and the feel of luxury in those sheets. I haven't bought any polyester sheets for many years but even plain old cotton is better than that. However, if you want true luxury get high count egyptian cotton and you'll never sleep on anything else again. And this set cost me on $22.00 at a discount store. Beautiful and luxurious sheets even at 210 TC.

360 thread count. Both very nice and luxurious also. But I still prefer the egyptian cotton.

We all have dippy relatives - some more than others - and I'm no exception. In my religion we believe we will all be together in the eternities. It's this point that makes me wonder if I should change religions sometimes!
I grew up in the 40s and 50s and I believe we had a much better education back then. But especially our grammar and speaking skills were much better. I listen to teens I know talk and every 4th or 5th word out of their mouths is "like." And they say "he/she goes" when they are meaning "he/she says." I'm even hearing it out of our adults and find myself saying it sometimes. Yikes!! I'm an english major and fanatic about my native language. I wonder why they aren't correcting these young people in school. Since these are our future leaders and cannot form a proper sentence verbally or written it truly gives me pause as to how they will survive in the world. I speak and write properly when drafting letters or any correspondence. The only time this "flies out the window" is in instant messaging with my daughter. We've developed a sort of shorthand when doing that. Every other communication is done properly. Mothers, teach your children!! ;-) My old/former english teachers would stand aghast at how young people are talking today. And I'm not even mentioning the filth that comes out of their mouths. To me using bad words was a sign of lack of a proper vocabulary. (I have been known to utter "not so nice" words on occasion though so I "ain't perfect", ya know!)
I should say that a vast majority of the population today was born after the 60s and 70s. It is my opinion that they missed a lot of the fun things we did. Hide and go seek in the dark, black and white television, Howdy Doody, American Bandstand when the boys wore white shirts, ties and sport coats and the girls wore modest dresses.
There was a television commercial I remember and if you remember it also then you're really OLD. It was for Hoffman television and was a song actually.
I like Hoffman yes I do,
My whole family likes it too,
The golden lens I realize
Protects my children's precious eyes.
There has been much talk about the recession lately. I refuse to take part in it. The only way to get out of a recession is to spend. I'm doing my part. It has NOT hit this household and we refuse to add to it by not spending. Hubs might have a different take on this, trust me, but I know how to help the economy and it's us, not the government, that can do it! Trust me on this one also....... ;-)
I'm a note taker but when I'm lying in bed in the dark it's hard to write, so last week I went to Best Buy and bought a little hand held recorder. I keep it on my night stand at night and if I think of something I want to remember for a blog post or just in general something I need to remember I speak into it. Plus it's very handy when driving. I don't do well driving and writing so this is another reason I bought it. I keep it in my pocket during the day since it only weights about 2 ounces. But I'm loving it. No fancy do-dads, just a simple-to-operate recorder — even in the dark. But Love Bunny is wondering who I'm talking to in the dark sometimes. *Smile*!!

I love this conversation that happened recently:
"Go take a shower and I'll cook."
"You cook??
"No, I can dial."
(Can we say "take out" or "order in" here?!)
My kinda man!
My kinda meal:
Peanut butter and marshmallow creme — it has all the nutrients necessary, dessert is included with the "fluff" and there are no pots to clean! Yep, my kinda "cooking"!!!!
When you are applying face creams, moisturizers and other beauty stuff to your face, pat it on do NOT stroke it and stretch your skin. The Hollywood actors and actresses have terrible wrinkles because of all the heavy makeup they put on and take off. It adds years to your skin to stretch it by pulling on it. There isn't a photo of any of them that isn't edited with PhotoShop! They all have imperfections and terrible wrinkles doing this.
Young women today want to be older so fast now that I tell them when their friends are 18 and she is still 17 to think into the future. When their friend is 50 they'll still be in their 40s. They may not appreciate it as a teenager but they definitely will when they're in their 40s!! (Personal experience) *Wink*
When cleaning toilets the other day I wondered why I was cleaning it. I cleaned and then turned right around and used it and all that work went right down the drain - literally!! If a truly self-cleaning toilet ever comes on the market you don't wanna be in my way when they hit the market!
I am truly an "easy maintenance" type of chick. I went through childbirth and passing many kidney stones and never asked for anything except a pain killer and then to be left alone. Even with our friday night dates I can get by with a Big Mac, fries, apple pie and soda and be just as happy as going to Olive Garden, Outback or Applebees. Easy maintenance and cheap date. I'm a man's dream date!
I recently had a luncheon date with hubby but could not find a lavender sweater I had wanted to wear. I looked all over this house TWICE! Well, not one to miss a free meal at my favorite fish place in Boise, I improvised with another sweater. When I lamented this to hubby he asked if I checked the washer or dryer. When I got home I did and voilà, there it was in the dryer. He keeps me sane and clothed!
"It's wonderful what we can do if we're always doing."
George Washington
Women don't sweat; we glisten. I would rather bleed than "glisten"!
Connie ;-)