While it may not look "country style", it is definitely country decorating. A different flair perhaps but country all the same. The style and fabric of the sofa will make them lean a bit more towards the formal vs. the informal. For me, mix and match is the perfect style, but that's my preference. Others may adhere to the "same wood" mantra of decor. I like the mix for this family because it shows a little less formality. As the architect Louis Sullivan stated: "Form follows function." I follow that quote almost religiously, from watches to sofas to cars. I want it to "work" (function) before its "beauty" (form). Comfort is first and foremost in my decorating selection. I want everyone to "feel" comfy and relaxed.
I'd call this a bit more formal country than farmhouse country, but it is gorgeous just the same.
I'd call this a bit more formal country than farmhouse country, but it is gorgeous just the same.

I like sumptuous bedrooms, pillows lavishly thrown on the bed, lovely linens to sleep on, foam mattresses with a feather or preferably wool topper and a gorgeous covering to top it off. I also like soft cotton sheets. I put 2 bottom sheets on our bed and then one on top with maybe a blanket for winter but not summer. Hubs and I like it cold while sleeping. This bedroom is one I could live in but I like mine better. ;-) A couple's bedroom is THEIR room and should be romantic and off limits for the most part to anyone other than the couple. I'm a stickler for this. Of course, this is my own opinion.
I'd call this the "All-American" living room. It's "cute" and I like it. I had a wood sofa once and it had a fabric that I'd call Aztec. It was truly lovely and I got all kinds of compliments on it. Even when we were moving it from San Diego to 29 Palms, Calif. and the new neighbors were watching us move in I saw their eyes when that sofa came off the truck. Yes, it was "awe" I saw in their eyes and was confirmed when we got to know them. It was the most unusual fabric I'd ever seen. That's when we lived in southern California and I was into my "Mexican Colonial" stage. But, personally, I'd never have another sofa with wood arms. Just too hard for me to relax on.

By now you're probably as tired of looking at this house as I am tired of posting pictures of it!! But I keep adding little touches here and there to make it "me"! And besides, I want to showcase a sweet lady, Bertie, who gave me the tiny chandelier hanging over my sink. (I've purchased the most exquisite items from this lady and she is a true friend to me and has never ever disappointed me with any of her items. She's a tiny little pistol!!! She IS! And I just love her.) Plus I also had a tie of hubs that was ready for the trash bin but decided to "showcase" it because I love that tie! So I just tossed it up on that shelf and there it stays until I tire of it. :-) I've also used pretty ties of his as an accoutrement to a hanging picture. I think, however, that I need one more shelf there somewhere. I have a coupon that needs using! ;-)