My Most Expensive Peaches EverrRRRrrr!!!

My Most Expensive Peaches EverrRRRrrr!!!
Ya see this jar of peaches? That is the most expensive jar you'll ever find. Let me tell you why.A couple of months ago our Stake President, our local church leader, put forth an edit. He told his High Council to tell each family in our stake (about 2,000 people on average) that each family should can a quart of peaches. Now, this might sound easy to some of you but it was a challenge for this chick. I didn't need any peaches and I have food storage as directed by our church leaders so I was in a quandary. For me it was about obedience to our stake president. I try my best to be obedient, especially...

Mantel Starting to Look Good!

Mantel Starting to Look Good!
Again, this post is being written on thursday to be published on sunday.I've spent the better part of the day working in this family room of ours. Still a ways to go with the mantel decorating and behind the sofa, but here's what I have done so far. Nothing is "static" in this house; it's always "kinetic" around here!! LOLBefore. Just put mantel up last night.This is what I've done so far. I wanted it centered on the wall but due to 2 outlets on that wall it's off by about 2 - 1/2". Eventually I might have hubs change the phone outlet and the electrical outlet on that wall but that can be a lot...

Pink Saturday 8/30/2008

Pink Saturday 8/30/2008
I'm doing this post early (thursday) because we're going camping. I'm just so excited you can see the bugs in my teeth from the grinning!! Maiden voyage of the hubs new popup camper. Just tooooo excited for words spending the weekend with the bears, freezing temps, mosquitoes, portable toilet (j-o-y !!) and maybe ever a skunk or two. Whoooooo knoooOOOOooows?!?!?!? ;-)I was sitting here today wondering just what I was going to post for Pink Saturday and went out to pick up the mail and LOOK what came in the mail today from my sweet friend, Bertie!!! She truly has some of the most fantastic stuff...

Mantel Arrived

Mantel Arrived
As most of you may know I post ahead if I have a few minutes to sit down from doing all the things I won't get to finish in my lifetime. Sometimes I'll get 2, 3 or maybe 4 or 5 ready to post for future posting. This one I am actually putting together on wednesday, August 27, 2008 but it won't be posted until 2 days from now - the 29th....MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY!!! Now how many of you celebrate the "old" birthdays? I do. Not in a glam or glorious fashion with presents although I do get them from my ebay friends, who treat me waaaaaaaay toooo special, but I love them no matter what. My ideal celebration...

Old Post on Living Colorfully

Old Post on Living Colorfully
I've realized that when we have a lot of posts that the older ones don't get perused much after....oh, say, 10 or 20 posts and I have almost 400 so you may not have seen or read this one. But some of them are noteworthy. This one goes back to June of 2007 and I think is noteworthy to repeat. So if you've seen it sorry........just read it again for a reminder of beautifying your home office.When I talk the talk, I walk the walk so to speak. I cannot tell other people to do this or that if I don't do it! But I always practice what I tell others when it comes to decorating. I love color as you probably...

Crafting Today

Crafting Today
Love Bunny made a decorating suggestion. Yesssssss, he did!! Now, he truly could not care any less about how I decorate his castle. That is NOT an exaggeration. He truly doesn't as long as it makes me happy. That's his aim in life - to make me happy because when mom's happy everybody's happy. :-) Anyway, he thought the print over the sofa that I got (see it here), should go over the new mantel. And I agree with him! Sooooooo since I'm kind of in limbo today about doing anything but getting ready for our camping trip for the labor day weekend (yes, I'll take my camera so you all can see the Sawtooth...

Surprise from the Mailman

Surprise from the Mailman
I absolutely never ever expect something unless I've ordered something online and am always surprised and overwhelmed and humbled when I receive a present in the mail. If you don't believe me just ask hubs! We are not a "gotta buy a present for someone" family unless it is grandkids and once they reach a certain age, that's it. Just best wishes or a phone call to let them know we love them. I have all I could ever need and a pretty good percentage of all I would want. ;-) If it's pink and has roses then I want it usually. Hah. But anyway when I got the mail today a package was in the mail also....

The Story of The Urns

The Story of The Urns
A while back I mentioned the urns that sit on my front porch and alluded to the story behind how I came to acquire them. Now, you probably think I forgot about that, didn't you? Come on, admit it, you did, didn't you?? Nuuuuuuu, just had other things to post and had to squeeze this one in, chickadees.Several years ago I was on the County Board of Guardians for my county. We didn't have too many clients but we each took our share. I got a lady who we'll call Gertrude.Gertrude was a sweet, feisty old lady who came from Europe. Her family lived on her land in a trailer home a distance behind her...

Where Bloggers Create Sunday

Where Bloggers Create Sunday
Brenda at thebrendablog has invited us all to share our spot where we create. This is a scary thought! Hah.... But I'm game for anything as most of you know so here is my tiny spot of my own where I spend most of the day if I'm not sewing or crafting, which is another room but nonetheless scary. ;-)I enter each day through this magical "portal" which has decal roses on the door. My view as I enter the door from the hallway. I have a wonderful window seat that is the front of my home and I can keep watch, but truthfully, I'm so busy usually that I'm not a person that keeps watch out of that window....
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