I rarely use the postal service anymore. I pay everything on line. I think most of us now do most things on line that years ago we did through the post office. I know I do! But it is still a "thrill" for me to receive personal letters, cards or packages from our mail lady. She is very, very sweet and always rings my bell for items not fitting into the mail box. Soooooo........look what she brought me today. I purchased this beautiful sign from Lorena at 2chicfriends on ebay. She put in a darling little painted Christmas ornament also. She's such a sweetheart! Then I received this little tag from Karla. It was wrapped in an old page from a book. I just might use the page on one of my tags also. It was so nostalgic and "time worn" just enough! Delightful, ladies! I'll treasure them. Thank you for the gifts, but also for the feelings that came when I received and opened them. I am well loved, chickadees, well loved. :-)