Tidbits About Me

Tidbits About Me
This sign was made for me; I just personalized it a bit more.Follow my blog with Bloglovin I carry a small note pad in the car (along with a back scratcher in my door pocket) so I can write down thoughts that occur to me for th' blog. That worked, but then Love Bunny thought an audio recorder would work better. I bought one thinking that for once in our marriage he might be right and that it would help me more than trying to write while driving. And it did...for a while.Then the battery went out and I was too busy to replace it so put it away for a while until I remembered to replace it. Then...

What's in your Easter basket?

What's in your Easter basket?
Happy Easter!   I hope this week has been full of reflection, celebration and family for you.  And as you're planning your Easter feast, keep Jubilee in mind to spruce up your space.  Jubilee has a lot to offer this week!Jubilee is open Fridays 1-8 and Saturdays  9-4.Matching Ikea desk- the Galant series work station. Their price: $279.  Jubilee price: only $150!  These telescoping legs can be adjusted to a multitude of heights. This desk has some telescoping leg issues, so it's priced at $95.So comfy Broyhill chair for $175 (small seam rip).  Cute little...
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