Our Very First Home In California

Our Very First Home In California
When we first moved to California in 1961 we lived in a motel until we could get military housing on Camp Pendleton. We had left our belongings with hubs' parents and didn't get them for a couple of years so we basically had to start from scratch. We went to a local hardware store and bought 2 plates, 1 mug because I didn't drink coffee and we only needed one, 2 forks, 2 knives and one spoon as I didn't need a spoon. We had to be frugal. We somehow had a radio and I listened to that all day long. It was very boring for several weeks before we got housing.Then we received word we had a place to...

My Answer To Hubby's Questions

My Answer To Hubby's Questions
Even though my hubby is wonderful, there are a few things that irritate me to no end. One of them is this: When he's away from home during the day, sometimes teaching a class and sometimes volunteering for something, he'll call me when he's on his way home. He's very good about keeping in contact so when he occasionally forgets, I get worried, but that's not common. Anyway, it's gotten to the point of this discussion verbatim.He: I'm on my way home.Me: Good. Drive carefully.He: What's for dinner? (Can you hear my teeth grinding here now?)Me: Not sure. But be prepared to travel. (Dine out, get...

A Few Stories About San Diego

A Few Stories About San Diego
In the mid sixties we lived in San Diego. I loved San Diego. Hubs was a Marine drill instructor at Marine Corps Recruit Depot and used to come home with the weirdest stories. He and our son, who was also a Marine, would sit and tell stories in the later years and we would laugh and laugh together till tears rolled down our cheeks. It's really fun sitting and listening to those two talk about the Marines.He came home with a story about the new recruits. When they would arrive they had to send every single thing on their body, except a wedding ring and a watch, home to their folks.Hubs told me about...

Jubilee Furniture Friday update for February 22nd!

Jubilee Furniture Friday update for February 22nd!
February 22, 2013 VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL ...
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