Laundry Rooms 2

Laundry Rooms 2
A few thoughts before I show you these gorgeous laundry rooms and accoutrements.Why is it when a hubby retires all of a sudden my cabinets and pantry need rearranging? Or I can't cook?! I've done these things for him—even while maintaining a job—for over 51 years. It's getting out of control around here and I'm going to have to put my foot down, perhaps on HIS foot. ;-) I love keeping my home...MY way.*One of the reasons for my recent surgery involved birthing 9 pound babies. Our daughter was 9 lbs. 1 oz. She was also 23" long. Hubs told someone the other night she was 24". I said, No, she was...

Tuesday Customer Inspiration - Michelle's creative and sweet baby shower book nook!

Tuesday Customer Inspiration - Michelle's creative and sweet baby shower book nook!
Welcome!  If you're newer to the blog, let me explain what happens on Tuesdays - IF - a wonderful customer has emailed me photos. Starting with the certain knowledge that all Jubilee Furniture customers are amazing, creative, environmentally careful and smart with their money - I decided I wanted to harness these things in order to inspire others.  So, I began encouraging customers to send me photos - and a brief description of whatever they did to whatever they purchased from the furniture store - in order to post said photos/descriptions for a wider audience...

Answering the Front Door

Answering the Front Door
The flowers in this mosaic are all from my gardens.The winner of the giveaway is Olivia of Olivia's Romantic Home. She's been notified and is very excited! Olivia, I've told you before that you have one of my favorite names. I also want to thank you for joining in. The ribbon tree, Living Beautifully book and coffee filter roses have truly found a darling home in which to live, Sugar!*We have a security system in our home. We had one in California and after several years here, I decided to have one installed in our new house. Just a precaution after a bit of a scary experience once when hubs wasn't...

Couture #12

Couture #12
This is the last couture series. I'm not particularly liking them much. I might throw in a few haute couture designs in with my regular blog posts, but that's it. I originally thought it would save me some time but that's not happening. And, frankly, I prefer doing regular posts about life and such. It has much more meaning to me than expensive clothing. Haute couture. Enjoy! I think you'll love these creations. Remember to think about the gorgeous fabrics and the actual construction of the garment. Have you noticed yet that gloves are coming back? I've seen a lot of models wearing them and...

Another Travel Story

Another Travel Story
As I stated in a recent post, my son was in Scotland golfing while his son was in Europe seeing the sights of several countries. Son's girlfriend just graduated University and wanted to see the sites of places she would be teaching about: arts and sciences. Grandson went along to protect her and keep her company.One country, which is known pretty much for its snobbishness, lived up to their expectations. They would ask for directions and knowing these people speak English, as most European countries do, they refused to answer in English. The only people who would help them were other tourists....
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