Painting Hanging Lamps

Painting Hanging Lamps
I was talking to my daughter last night to see if she had gotten her water bill with the city straightened out. She recently bought another house in the same neighborhood and got her first water bill. It was almost $500! She was astounded since it's just her and her fiancè. After calling them and disputing that only 2 people could not possibly use 892 gallons a day on average, they told her to check for leaks. They checked in the back yard and nothing. So this weekend they checked in the front yard and and found a leak. It was the realtor who had turned something on and since no one had lived...

Just a Little Story and More Romantic Rooms

Just a Little Story and More Romantic Rooms
We were burglarized twice when we lived in California. The first time we were gone and the burglar broke in and took the usual items he could get—television, tools, microwave. We didn't keep money in the house so he was out there.But the second time we walked in on them. Love Bunny hit the first one in the head with a mug but still managed to run away and chased the second one down the street and preceded to try and kill him. ;-) Not really, but he hurt him severely. (You do NOT, and I mean NOT EVER, want to mess with a Marine, especially one who ran marathons!) And I identified the first one...

Tuesday's customer inspiration - Jennifer's jammin' Jubilee Furniture home!

Tuesday's customer inspiration - Jennifer's jammin' Jubilee Furniture home!
Welcome to Tuesday customer inspiration where each week I showcase something someone has purchased from Jubilee Furniture and how fabulous it looks in their home - either exactly as it looked in the store - or - how it's been transformed into something even better with the hopes of helping others see used furniture in a new and creative way (and because I'm super nosy)!This week I have lots of photos to share because Jennifer is a regular customer who has a fantastic eye and knows quality furniture when she sees it.  This busy mom of four volunteers each week filling in at the front desk...

A Tip on Posting Blogs

A Tip on Posting Blogs
I don't know about anyone else but I spend a fair amount of time on each post. I first add the photos, but I generally wait until something strikes me before I add the text for my posts. I'm very picky about what I blog about. I'm also very, very picky about how my blog appears to people. I want everything just so. I may let it just sit for a few days and sometimes weeks before I publish it. Here's how I do it and if it helps any of you then I'm happy to be of assistance.I've noticed so many as I'm perusing Google Reader where there are huge gaps between the photos. That's because of people using...
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