Day Dreaming 2/1/2012

Day Dreaming 2/1/2012
I would like to celebrate this post because it's #1,100 post. I am nothing if not tenacious.*I absolutely do have these little hanging paper globes and pompoms around my house. Some are in my bedroom. One is in the family room and several are in my office and craft room. They are paper. They are cheap. They add pizzazz to any room. They are cute. I like them immensely. You could do this over a tub or even a toilet. Yes, I said toilet! I have decals on my toilets' tanks.My bedroom is dark and it's very difficult to get a good photo unless it's early in the morning when the eastern sun shines in,...

Tuesday's Customer Inspiration - Jennifer's sunny chairs!

Tuesday's Customer Inspiration - Jennifer's sunny chairs!
Jennifer grew up with a mom who is incredibly talented around design and re-purposing pieces with "good bones" and obviously - based on the following photos - has developed that muscle herself.  Here's Jennifer's email:Hi Susan,  My mom, Amy, helps out at Jubilee occasionally (and alerts me of any great deals she sees when helping out/shopping...not sure what she does more of!).  Anyway, she bought a table/chairs set and she only needed the I lucked out and scored the chairs!  Yay!  So I thought I'd send you some before and after pics. They were...

Day Dreaming 1/30/2012

Day Dreaming 1/30/2012
Good morning.Let's dream some more...and maybe face some realities. Oh pleeeease, tell me it ain't so! on.I love blogging as I've said many times. I also like reading other blogger's posts. But I have to comment on a couple of things.I try my best to keep my sidebar to a minimum but to have nothing on there would be boring. (Actually, I've gone through my sidebar and eliminated several things in the past few days to keep it even more simple. I think most people don't even read sidebars. How sad. I'm very picky about what I put on there. Try reading my sidebar once in a while....

Day Dreaming 1/28/2012

Day Dreaming 1/28/2012
I sit here a little part of each day helping people with their genealogical pursuits and directing them to those who can help them find answers. While it isn't very exciting work, I still love doing it. Turning the hearts of the children to their fathers is a work needing to be done. Yesterday I had 68 calls so it kept me quite busy, but I am a woman who can multi-task. (Snicker and snort! It got a tad crazy for a while there but I persevered.)I read a few blogs and one that caught my eye was Claudias on trying to be frugal in an economy that is trashed at the moment. She is a sweet woman whose...

Living Room Wall Design

Living Room Wall Design
living room wall des...

Restoring hope. Providing opportunities.

Restoring hope.  Providing opportunities.
What a difference a week makes!  Last Friday after I left for the store and before my husband returned home in the evening – a water line to our refrigerator – which had been incorrectly installed through our attic and had frozen – unfroze and burst bringing down both our kitchen ceiling and our family room ceiling and soaking the wood floors in the kitchen and the carpeting in the family room (which had been replaced about a year ago due to another water related incident). My normally optimistic outlook first kicked into high gear (This won’t lick us!  What’s a little water damage...
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