Last Roses of Summer

Last Roses of Summer

Pink Saturday 7/31/2010 and Only I Can Be This Stupid!

Pink Saturday 7/31/2010 and Only I Can Be This Stupid!
Happy Pink Saturday and thank you to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting this event. I visited with Suzanne of Shabby Chicks, Jamie at Him, Me and Our Three, and Spindle Cottage.The subtitle to this post could also be "Shopping th' House" also. You'll see when you get to the bottom photos.Remember these little pink things I showed you the other day? Well, I had an idea in mind that I've seen a couple of other places, probably a LOT of other places, but I've only seen them in one other blog and they were done up in tissue paper or old dress pattern paper or something like that. I decided...

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer...

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer...
I have conflicting emotions about a vacation I start today. I'm excited to have some time off of work and yet I'm definitely going to miss the many customers - and volunteers - who have become like a second family to me. You make me smile whenever I see you. You've shared triumphs and trails with me. You ask about things I've written on the blog and know I prefer to be called Susan. In the weekly comings and goings you've become a friend and I'm going to miss you.Now before you think I'm gone for the next month - let me clarify - I'm off the next two weekends and the week in between - that's all,...

A New Meme for Froufrou Friday

A New Meme for Froufrou Friday
It's time for a new meme, chicks! Back on a June post Because Froufrou Counts I mentioned this and at that time received nine emails from women who were interested. I also mentioned that I wouldn't start it until a friday in July. Well, since we only have one more friday—this one—and Love Bunny has dragged me off to the wilds of Idaho and wilds of Oregon for camping and my kids are here at this moment I thought it was time to do it. (I'm composing this on 7/24/10, just so you know.)With that being said, here are the rules.You post something on a friday that is froufrou or feminine (you decide)...
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