Coming Soon...and Random Thoughts

Coming Soon...and Random Thoughts
Redo "transformation" coming soon...a tease of what's to come!And please remember our fallen soldiers and those who served and are still serving who fought and are still fighting for us to win and keep the freedoms we have in this great God blessed country.~*~Random Thoughts:For those of you on PCs, which don't have a forward delete key, just simply use your function key—FN—with the delete key and you can delete forward. Macs have their own key for it, but just wanted you to know so you can use it if you wish. I use my forward delete key almost as much as the backward delete key.*I'm appalled...

Spanish Design Luxury Home

Spanish Design Luxury Home
This beautiful classical Spanish home design was designed by James Glower. Like most of the Spanish homes, there are coloring white or cream or some other light colors and most of them are asymmetrical in layout to having unusual arched doorways, curved roof tiles, small balconies, courtyard side entrances, and also stucco exterior walls with greenery all around the house. This Mediterranean house built in luxurious and also opulent ambience, gives natural relaxati...

Fabulous Traditional Home Interior Design

Fabulous Traditional Home Interior Design
Located in private guarded area called Hidden Hills, this fabulous house designed in luxury traditional interior style. For the exterior, have designed with amazing pool, the beautiful ponds, plants, columns, waterfalls and fountains surrounding the pool are give a wonderful scenery so that make relaxing and enjoyable moments.This house features open beam ceilings, walnut or limestone floors and designer baths, basketball court, 4 car garage, circular motor court, steam shover, french rose gardens in front of the yard, movie theater and gourmet kitch...

Minimalist Aesthetic Modern House Design in New York

Minimalist Aesthetic Modern House Design in New York
This contemporary interpretation of a classic stone carriage house by artist/owners has created a remarkable open living environment with a mid century minimalist aesthetic modern home design. The expansive open spaces with soaring ceilings and majestic proportions produce a clean, simple loft like feeling within the 5200 sq. ft. environment. Designed with large living space almost in every space, this ...

Waterfront Modern Home Design in Bainbridge Island

Waterfront Modern Home Design in Bainbridge Island

Stylish and Trendy Doors Design

Stylish and Trendy Doors Design
Oikos Tekno collection really brings a colorful mood into your home door. Made from mixture of special glass, steel and aluminum with high performance armored doors, these doors bring safe and secure to your home. The design and color is fit for interior and home entry door and support 2010 minimalist design along with your other furnitu...

Minimalist door design

Minimalist door design
a minimalist door design is luck...why ...get lucky, becouse you will have get a good design and minimalist on i want give you an example a minimlist door design.The world is full of inspiration. Colours, shapes, materials, sounds - they all stimulate us in different ways.Having your own, personal flair means putting your ideas into practice. Wake up the magic of your creativity for others to appreciate. Open the door to the day and let life walk in.Enjoy the pleasure of sharing your creations with family and friends. Noise may be part and parcel of our busy lives but, when we want to,...

Italian Interior Design Ideas

Italian Interior Design Ideas

Master Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Master Bedroom Decorating Ideas
Sorrento Mediterania Master bedroom designMinimalist master bedroomSoft green master bedroom decorContemporary Master bedroom designLuxury Masterbedroom light...

A Prize, A Birth and a Tribute

A Prize, A Birth and a Tribute
The winner of the Cottage Charm Giveaway of 6 paper roses isDebbie of Debbie-DabbleCongratulations, my sweet chick!!~*~Oh, and for those of you who commented on my Pink Saturday post about the paintings, the artist is Marty Bell (she's a fantastic artist), not Thomas Kinkade. I didn't think to mention her name and didn't mean to mislead you.~*~Now for the 2nd event...Fresh from HeavenIntroducing our first great grandchild—a great granddaughter. After having gone through 9 months of trying to select a name they've decided on Caroline, probably Caroline Emperatriz. When I told Love Bunny today,...

Pink Saturday 5/29/2010

Pink Saturday 5/29/2010
Happy Pink Saturday and congratulations to Beverly of How Sweet The Sound for hosting it for two years now. It's the 2nd anniversary of PS. I wish to thank you profusely, Beverly, for taking on this enormous task.I visited with Tracy of Honeysuckle and HissyFits and LV of Livinatmemescorner.~*~Also I want to encourage you all to visit this blog post about the new Collection of Romantic/Lifestyle Blogs I've just started. It's all about getting the word out. Visit it and read it very carefully and join if you wish.~*~Okay, okay, I've been extremely busy with life, but I did want to participate because...

Thank you

Thank you
to the servicemen and women who have fought, and are currently fighting, for my freedom. Thank you also to those who died defending this country. On this Memorial Day weekend we especially want to remember those who have given everything in service to their country. Thank you.With Wheaton's Memorial Day parade scheduled for Monday, May 31 starting at 10:00 a.m. (for details go to and click on calendar of events) and Elmhurst's parade starting at 9:30 ( you have plenty of time either today (Friday 1 to 8) or tomorrow (Saturday 9 to 4) to stop by...
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