Black, White & Chartreuse for Pink Saturday 1/1/11

Black, White & Chartreuse for Pink Saturday 1/1/11
It's another Pink Saturday with Beverly of How Sweet The Sound. Click on the logo below to visit all this week's participants.*I know this is a busy day or maybe just a lazy day for sleeping in but I thought I'd show you more of my favorite rooms from Ethan Allen.Essence of a French garret. Ooo la la.Beautiful black and white.More red and yellow with a bit of black and white thrown in.Chartreuse! I just love this room color, very bold and beautiful and very elegant.And the matching bedroom.The colors in this room remind me of my mother because her favorite colors were orange and green. She would...

Ring in the New Year (a little early) with amazing furniture finds at Jubilee Furniture!

Ring in the New Year (a little early) with amazing furniture finds at Jubilee Furniture!
Wow - I have so much to show you that I really must jump right into it. But first, just a reminder the store is open unusual hours this week only, due to New Year's day. We'll be open today (Thursday) from 1 to 8 and tomorrow (Friday) from 11 to 3 and then closed on Saturday. Next week we'll return to normal business hours (Fridays 1 to 8 and Saturdays 9 to 4).Warning - there are lots of gushy adjectives in this week's post - there's so much to love!You know how we say, "You never know what you might find at Jubilee Furniture!" - well here's a perfect example of why we say that! We received a...
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