Several weeks ago a group of us chicks went out for a lunch. We never know how many of us will be attending; it's just who shows up, shows up and we have a splendid time. It started with the older gals but we expanded it to include anyone who wants to come. We go to several restaurants in the area choosing a different one each time while trying to find new and interesting places. Enter: Cafe de Coco.It's a very small restaurant in the downtown part of our city but not just a restaurant. They have a "boutique" of some unique items and antiques they sell. It's really quite cute inside and they have...
Technical Difficulties Abounding Here!!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 4:57 PM

I'm sorry I haven't been able to get around to Pink Saturday participants or even the Rooster Party! I'm experiencing major technical difficulties since I loaded a new OS onto my desktop. This is what my browser looks like. But I'm not going to bore you with the MAJOR details of what's been happening, but being computer savvy I guess I had to eat a bit of humble pie to experience what some of you chicks have experienced. This, however, was my own stupid(!) fault. Back as soon as possible. Good thing I've prescheduled some posts for the next month or so. Sigh.......
Happy Birthday to ME on Pink Saturday!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Join all the participants on Beverly's Pink Saturday. Happy Pink Saturday to each and everyone one of you.~*~Today is my birthday and I've received special things to share with you. Vickie sent me these adorable cards, ephemera and a glittered pink "C" to hang in my other "C" over my bedroom dresser. She is an absolute doll who travels continuously! I swear Texas weeps when that woman leaves the state.She even knew what kind of Wallies roses I have used in my office. Squeeeeeeeal...I am so thankful I know this woman.Isn't this adorable with the glitter "C"?Then my sweet friend, Katie, sent me...
Rooster Party
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

I truly have no idea why I joined this party but I do have an affinity for chickens, cows and bunnies. The former two being regal and the latter one being cute. But I thought I'd show you my chickens and tell you the story. But first of all to visit all participants in this party click here.I've defied death to get these chickens. Yep. Okay, maybe not death, but several other threats on my life.These two chickens belonged to my neighbor in another town. I loved those chickens and tried several times to talk her out of them. I loved that lady and she made those herself. No value to them except...
American Men
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM
A true man makes sacrifices in order to honor his commitments. Even though he will give much, the blessings he receives outweigh the sacrifice.*Put them on an amusement park ride and the testosterone sprays from their ears, man!! Whoooooeee!!!! Let's hear if for th' man and th' son. *Smile*Future man? Yep, just likes playing with mum's stuff to show what he'll do to men who mess with him - shiners!They are NOT afraid to "accessorize" when the occasion calls for it. The photo says: "Thanks! I pity the fool who don't like to accessorize!" LOL Cool lil dude!*Protect me and my family and country to...
New Faux Fireplace Screen
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Hubby made this screen for me some weeks ago and since I have a "faux mantle/fireplace" I needed a faux fireplace screen, but I just now found time to decorate it. He keeps taking me to California, Seattle, the wilds of Idaho to camp (more on that soon!) and letting the relatives visit so I've been so tired and busy taking care of those things I've been neglecting the house.So I ordered some decals on ebay, waited a week for them to arrive and put them on after our return from Seattle. Neither one of us like the decals on the faux fireplace screen so I took them off. I thought they'd be bigger...
Shopping in Seattle
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Okay, let's just say it wasn't pretty, shall we? Whenever my daughter, granddaughter and I get together they think I have to be "remade" for some reason.The year Mandy graduated from the UC Berkeley it was the blonde hair dye that did it. I had always promised her that when she graduated college she could change my hair color. Little did I know how that would turn out. I knew when she rinsed it and was toweling me off that the look on her face was not going to make me HAPPY with the new hair color. Plus the fact that she immediately said, "Nana, I'll fix it; I promise." YeppPPPppp, I knew there...
Some Beautiful Things I Received Lately That Make My Heart Sing!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Recently I helped a fellow blogger with her computer and an application that was giving her fits on her website. I made a few suggestions and she was thrilled. I was more than happy to help her as I do frequently with a lot of people because I'm somewhat computer savvy - somewhat(!). Anyway, for my help she sent the following items to me and I was astounded. I never do anything with the thought that I'll be rewarded and I am astounded at the things I've gotten for helping others.These have got to be photos of her gorgeous garden.The following are postcards she's had done from her paintings.