Changed Laundry Room Curtains for Pink Saturday

Changed Laundry Room Curtains for Pink Saturday
Happy pink saturday to all of you. Go visit with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to view all the PS participants. You'll love seeing all the pink!~*~I loved the fabric of the curtains in the laundry room but decided I wanted something with more roses on it for the moment. This, you understand, is subject to change on any given day. Sunshine is so abundant in this room from the solartube that I couldn't get a good shot of the fabric but here it is. Tiny floral bouquets of roses. Looks great I think. Still thinking of more things to do to that little room.~*~My sweet friend, Judy, at Vintage To Chic...

Love Bunny's Minty Green Office

Love Bunny's Minty Green Office
We are finally done with every single room in this house being repainted!!! Squeeeeeal....... Okay, so it wasn't as bad an ordeal as I had anticipated but I'm so glad it's over. No more disruption. No more having painter being around all day. No more having to be careful when going to the bathroom. No more........well, you get the idea. I'm so thrilled.The contrast between the beige and the new color as he did the cutting in.It almost looks like an iridescent blue but the true color shows below. Just showing you the contrast here.This is the finished room.Time to start putting the new desk, credenza...

Rose Painted Rustic Star and Gazebo

Rose Painted Rustic Star and Gazebo
By now most of you have become acquainted with my quest to paint gorgeous, if not decent (I'd take this in a heart beat!) roses. I've mentioned that I purchased this 30" star recently and painted it pink. I finally got the rose painted on it. Not quite as I'd like to have done it but passable. I may put some more roses on it. Painting on a pointed star that is three dimensional is rough, chicks! I finally gave up but trust me, the photo of the finished star so far is better than actually seeing it in person.I tried!Then I tried again. Passable............Impatient to see it hanging on our garage...


Something new!My friend and fellow blogger Lorena is having "Share your collections party" and would like some others to join in. So go check her blog to get the particulars.~*~Several people have asked me to get a photo of the gazebo at night so we went out the other night when it got dark and COOL. It's been so hot here in the desert and since we're pretty far north it stays light until about 9:45 - 10 pm in the summer. This was just before 10 pm and the sky was still a bit twilight.This is our patio with the lights I strung and a little canning jar candle I hung out there. It's a steel patio...

Picture Arranging

Picture Arranging
Everyone has their own ideas on arranging pictures. I'm sure there is a proper way according to decorators but the new school of picture arranging says that just about anything goes if you like it. I subscribe to both. I like different arrangements and am somewhat symmetrical for the most part. Pleasing to the eye (MINE) is my main criteria. The other definite absolute I subscribe to is not hanging them too high. I've said this before: most homes I go into have them above my head. The main or one and only picture on the wall. No, no, no!!! They would look better lower than normal than higher...

Mosaic Monday Ribbons 7/27/09

Mosaic Monday Ribbons 7/27/09
Mary at littleredhouse is having another Mosaic Monday so please go visit her to see the list of bloggers who are sharing their exquisite photos of their "fluff"!!~*~I have a big hat box full of different ribbons I bought or had scraps that were left over throughout the years. Not one of these ribbons was repeated in the making of this mosaic. Plus I have even more boxes and bags of ribbons. I've got to stop buying th...

Master Bath Redo July 2009 and Pink Saturday

Master Bath Redo July 2009 and Pink Saturday
For this Pink Saturday I'm showing you our master bathroom. Please go visit with Beverly at howsweetthesound for all the participants for this event. I think you'll enjoy it. And also a "thank you" to Bev because this takes a lot of work to put it together each week with more and more bloggers participating.~*~I also want to give a shout out to a sweet lady and her business on ebay selling decals - very inexpensively! I needed some decals recently and she went out of her way to accommodate me. I told her I'd give her some advertising for being so kind and helpful. Go see Christine at Shabby Cottage...

Where Bloggers Create 7/24/09

Where Bloggers Create 7/24/09
Karen over at MyDesertCottage has invited us to participate in her "Where Bloggers Create" today and since I have spent a great deal of time creating my own blogging/craft/creative spots, I opted in. Please go visit her to view all the others who are sweet enough to show us where they sit each day to do all the lovely things you see on the blogs. It's fun and exciting to look at each person's space. And it just may spur you on with ideas on how to beautify your home or just a room or a vignette within a room even.~*~As I've said many times before we moved 4 years ago from a 5,000 sq. ft. on a...
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