I started off making little rosettes out of the sheers I bought at WM for $4.75 each, tied them with gossamer sheer pink organza ribbon over a rubber band that secured them while I tied on the ribbon. I'm going to find pretty roses that aren't too expensive to put on there also.They look lovely hanging and blowing in the freeze. Hubs suggested little string lights and I'm going to do that along with some pretty ivy or some kind of foliage that doesn't look too cheap either if I can find some this afternoon.A close up of the top of the sheer rosette. If you look closely you can see the hook on...
My Gazebo and Bedroom Wall
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Love Bunny is putting up the gazebo here. He's 6'2" tall so you can see how tall the gazebo is. Squeeeeeeeeal!! I'm so excited about this. It was at a local craft store on here in the west called Craft Warehouse on sale for $200.00 and I grabbed it. I plan on moving it out further from the house but since we have a typical "western" small lot it won't be moved too much farther. Just in front of the quaking aspens I think. I may plant some roses around it. I just don't know. Any suggestions??? I'm open, chicks, to any advice. The dome has a huge hook that can hold lanterns and a huge finial up...
The Front Porch Railing Redo for Pink Saturday
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Once again, it's Pink Saturday so be sure and visit with Beverly at howsweetthesound for all this week's participants.~*~I thought I'd put these little hanging pots on the porch railing for visual interest. Now, mind you, these were at Joanns at 60% off so how could I pass them up? Even if they had the dreadful coconut husks in them, but I spritzed them with a room deodorizer before I started working on them. I also put some potting soil in them just to have something to stick the faux roses and dahlias in. That was hubs suggestion! Worked well and we certainly have an abundance of soil around...
a day in the life of,
Thrifting and Junking Today
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

You all know by now that nothing is simple around this household, right????? Okay, then let's recount today's adventures or MISadventures and I swear to you this was not planned.First of all, I showered and did my hair without frying my hair dryer today. Yep, I got my "DO" done fine as evidenced by the "striking one hot chick" photo below. Okay, okay, so I ain't a movie star; get used to it.I then got in the car to go to Goodwill and show off s*xy hairdo. (I said forget it!) Anyhow, as I pull the Sequoia out of the garage (we all KNOW hubs parks waaaaay too close to the edge of the door anyway,...
Going Shopping Can Be Hazardous to Your Health!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

I went shopping the other day, but it wasn't pleasant prepping for it.Hubs was gone already and I had showered and was drying my hair and all of a sudden I heard this very loud pop and a bright light flashed. Blow dryer promptly died! Not just died, but blew up. But I had no electricity in either of the bathrooms after that so this is pretty much how I left for the day. Okay, so I look like a scared rabbit (sorry SusieQ) and my eyes are still glazed over—like in this video shot from my iSight cam—but I went anyway.Here is the culprit that took away probably a year off my life and I don't have...
ethan allen,
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

There are times when I don't have a lot to say. Marvelous, isn't it?! Anyway, today I thought I'd just share a thing or two and get back to the house work and garden and let you enjoy NOT listening to me so much!Looking through some clothing catalogs recently I realized the T-shirt is now becoming somewhat dressed and jazzed up a bit. So I took this plain black one and added some black with roses fabric I ruffled and sewed it on. Has anyone else noticed the T's are not so drab and plain anymore? Some have lace and are pleated in front. Just a whole different look. So for me instead of buying a...
A Huge Giveaway and Random Thoughts
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Shelf Reliance is giving away a Harvest 72" food rotation system! Visit the Shelf Reliance blog here to enter. The Harvest 72" is valued at $459.99 and can hold up to 600 cans, making it perfect for a healthy food storage supply. The winner will be announced on Friday, June 26th, so hurry to the blog for your chance to win!Ladies, this is a fantastic food storage system! I have some of their shelves but this is a huge one. Go enter now.~*~Collage of my garden roses 6/2009~*~I've been wondering why it is that the politicians are always sorry AFTER they get caught lying about their taxes or some...
artful blogging,
Glammin' Up the Backyard for Pink Saturday
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Thank you for visiting today. Be sure and visit Beverly at howsweetthesound for more participants in Pink Saturday.~*~Our son and grandsons were here for a couple of days this past week. The 2 on the right are our grandsons, 20 and 11, and the young man on the left, 13, is a "sort of adopted" child. He takes him whenever he and his wife can because his mother isn't a good influence on him and he loves our son and boys. He is treated just like his sons in everything: trips, cruises, punishments and college when he is ready. His mother won't give him up because......well, just because. He is a sweetie...