This is the little camper birdhouse I made in January and sold. I didn't want to sell it because I wasn't sure I could find another one since this was the only one they had at the time. But I did find a couple more and am making another one for OUR camper. It will NOT be for sale. But I thought I'd show you how it came together in case you might want to make one for yourself.I finished this one the other day and it will definitely go into the camper that I've named the Rose Cottage Camper.Garland and rose on top along with the name of the camper.I started with a good sanding first and then painted...
Making Paper Roses for Pink Saturday 5/23/09
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

I found these darling offices and thought I'd share them with you. Aren't they gorgeous?!?! Squeeeeeeeeeeal!!!!!!!!!!!For the froufrou-y cowgirl.For the high fashion chick.For lovers of pinkKKKK!!! I love the backs of the bookcases.For the lovers of "small" offices.For the "gotta have sun" office lovers.~*~I've been purchasing paper roses on line for years and today decided to try my hand at making some myself. (Okay, so they aren't pinkkkKK.......adjust, chicks! So far I've made 3 and each one gets progressively better but looking at these photos you would not know it. The numerals over each...
pink offices
My Heart is Heavy Today
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

I am sorry to post this for Pink Saturday but things happened quickly here in the last 2 days. But read it and enjoy the rose garden.My heart is extremely heavy today. Thursday my daughter called me frantically so let me tell you the story. It's quite long.Her hubby, Bill, is a dialysis patient. He lost the use of his kidneys about 14 years ago now. His father donated a kidney and it worked for 3 days and then it shut down. So he then went on dialysis 3 days a week—monday, wednesday and friday for 4 hours each evening. He was a brave young man and didn't let it keep him from doing anything. He...
More Lights for the Patio
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Love Bunny is eating those olives as fast as he can to get me more jars so he doesn't have to climb up into the garage attic and search for the old canning jars. I can keep that man on his toes! Anyway, I finished three more with simply saving jars from food stuffs.I've added tulle netting to one, ribbon to another and then one has lace from a vintage pillow case that I cut off. I've added paper roses and silk roses to each one. Now if I can just get hubs to add hangers around the top of the patio cover for me to hang these we're in business, chicks!~*~I saw a sign board at a church the other...
I've Been Seriously Negligent
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Bit of eye candy for you. I've been redoing the dining room chandelier and took down the roses and pink chiffon. I think I'll do it in netting now. These are the little roses I had pinned up on it. I'll show you the result when I'm done.~*~I need to apologize to several bloggers who have given me awards and I've been lax in posting them. The last month or two have just simply gotten away from me. I didn't mean to let it go this long but it has. So now I'd like to list the awards and bloggers who have given some to me. I sincerely thank them and apologize again.This one comes from a very dear friend,...
Can We Talk, Chicks?
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

I was in the market for some new mascara last week. Grubbin' through WM I had so many choices it was amazing. I finally decided on this one because it's a new formula and touted rather boldly on the display so I thought, oh what the heck? Might as well.Now, first let me say that the Bobbi Brown mascara is 3x the price of this one and I wasn't too thrilled about their mascara. But this one for $6.00 I thought I'd try. What did I have to lose? I'm here to tell ya that this mascara is the best I've ever used.Remember, my experience with the 15x magnifying mirror. Whoooooooa, chicks, you don't wanna...