WOW! A sweet aussie chick came up with a grand idea and it's doable! The lettering can be changed so I can add the world "Glitter" if you want for all you "glitter bugs"! If you buy it the choice is yours what you want on there: Spices or Glitter or whatever you want that will fit in that space!!!.Isn't this cute? I was going to keep it but I looked around my kitchen and there was absolutely no place for it! I'm disappointed but I'll sell it on my other blog - La Maison Rose.I call my kitchen, actually my whole house, a "senior" house, my little cherubs, because the kitchen barely accommodates...
Tickled Pink!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:11 PM

I'm just tickled pink over what I finally got in the mail today! Three little metal lacy looking pedestals for showing off pretty things. Take a look at what I selected to put in them in the first picture, my sweet little chickadees. Plus they were on sale for an absolute "steal"!Plus I walked over to a neighbor's garage sale this weekend and she gave me those little salt and pepper shakers on the right side! We'd given her a big "pine-type" tree; at least, I think it's pine. Something like a Scotch pine only the needles aren't quite as long. Anyway, it was too close to our house and couldn't...
Recipe Swap - Cooked Cucumbers
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM
You might say "cooked cucumbers? yuck" but non non, mes amis, il est magnifique and will be a hit with just about anybody. An easy gourmet recipe. I sometimes do NOT measure anything because I just go by what feels right for the 2 of us. But this recipe should be enough for 4 people. Besides, use your imagination and experiment with your creativity, my little french chefs!! A little of this, a pinch of that and voilà, a masterpiece!***IngredientsCucumbersScallionsButter about 1-2 TblspHeavy whipping creamSalt and pepper to taste***Peel 2 or 3 cucumbers. With a spoon, scoop out the seeds and cut...
Bedroom Redo of the Redo!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

Sorry, but I've changed my mind again! While going through some things today I found this scarf I bought about 2 years ago. Got to thinkin'! A beautiful scarf with some of the colors in the vintage looking french postcard border on the wall, it just seemed to scream at me. So I put it up there and it truly looks better than anything I've tried so far. I have so much fabric and "stuff" that I truly don't know all I have!Into our 4th day of hubs being back from trip and still hasn't noticed the new LR curtains! ...
My Patio Redo & Sale Finds Today!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:48 PM

I scheduled my "Pink Saturday" a few days ago so I wouldn't have to post today. Actually, I schedule several posts in advance in case something comes up. I LOVE doing it this way. Anyhooooo, here I am at the end of a fast-paced day telling you my drama!! No, not really...... I am SOOOOOO not a drama queen!!!! I say in my best "Valley Girl Voice"!! Hah. Plus I want to show you all my best finds today at "yard sailing"! Ooooh, you are going to be sooooo jealous, my chittering chimps, soooo envious..........I see some bloggers sharing their renovations: kitchens, houses, decks, baths and so on, so...
"Pink Saturday" June 28th!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

I guess by now I don't have to tell you that PINK is my favorite color. I thought for today we'd go through some of the things in my home up close and personal! Explanations will be below each photo.Decals I made and put on my kitchen pantry.My fridge doesn't contain inane stuff; I don't allow it. I want only the things that are pleasing to the eye. I made these little magnets for the fridge door except for the Joann one. I use that because it's PINK and because it is the most "magnetic" magnet I've ever had - very strong! I have that one and a purple one and can't find them at Joanns any more....
Anchoring My BR Window
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:01 PM

I changed my bedroom window treatment also while hubs was away. (BTW, it's 8:30 pm - 24 hrs exactly since he got home from northern Idaho and he's still not noticed the new curtains in the LR!) Not too too much but I took down some darker draperies I made several years ago and put more sheers up with the lace. I thought it needed a little something and have been experimenting all day with different fabrics and vintage tablecloths and a piece of the most gorgeous fuchsia silk fabric eveeeerrrr to top off the top. I've settled on the middle back Wilendur roses tablecloth in the 2nd photo. I was...
I Had To Do One For Hubbbbbyyy!!!!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:53 PM

I'm not too sure he'd request this kind of lamp. :-) Actually, as long as it gives him light he doesn't care a bit what they look like. But I just had to make a matching one for hubby's side of the bed!!I stripped everything off of this shade - rose petals, leaves, gimp, GLUE (broke a nail doing this one, chicks!), etc., but I saved the shade!! Hey, it's hard enough to find lamp shades in the sizes I need at a reasonable price. Don't fret; I'm keeping it also.Okay, gotta tell ya this one.I picked up my Love Bunny at the airport at 8:30 last night. We got home and I was wondering how long it would...
Flea Market Lamp Redo
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:08 PM

OKAY, SWEET CHICKS, I'M KEEPING IT!!!:-)Got this little lampshade for a song, my little cupcakes! Whadda ya think??? I may sell the lampshade and I just may keep it. It casts a very romantic glow with the light ...
On Decorating.....................
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:57 AM

I stayed up late last night trying to decide which curtains and arrangement I liked best for this window. I tried 2 or 3 different ways of adding a freshness to it. The first picture was last night with the fragonard and the Waverly Tiny Toile and the sheer voile with the lace panels in the center drawn up with my handmade ribbon roses. I wanted the sheers for 2 reasons - privacy and softness. Lace and sheers provide an element of privacy while still allowing light and views to come through. I like that. I need that! If you've seen my home on Flickr by clicking on the little icon to the right...
What a Day!!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 3:31 PM

I started out at 5:30 am. (I'm an early riser.) I got a massage at 10 and then went to WM to pick up some more voile sheers to hang in bedroom. Remember I talked about getting them for the patio or did I?? Hmmm.....anyway I went back and got 4 more after the 6 pairs I got saturday. It brightened up the bedroom considerably! So I still have enough for the patio. But then I decided to change my curtains in the living room. I was just ready for a change and have some fabric I'm thinking of using - 2 toiles, one a pale Laura Ashley and one a brighter pink with a girl and a boy on it. It's a very popular...
Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful!!!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 1:33 PM

Oh my sweet little birdies, I didn't mean ME; I meant the chair covers!!! And some people have emailed me asking where the slip/chair cover comes from. Okay, here is that sweet lady's website. She is an absolute doll and she MOST affordable covers I've ever seen!!!!!!!Ronda's Chair Covers~*~There's a story behind this!!The last couple of years I've gone through 2 or 3 of those "el cheapo" chair floor pads because our floor is carpet with thick padding and they keep breaking. I'm tired of giving Mr. Costco so much money so I had an idea! Nuuuuuuuuu, some of my ideas are quite good actually!!!!...
I Lead a Charmed Blessed Life!!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 8:35 AM

I just thought that first of all I'd share what I did yesterday with some jars of olives and marshmallow creme when we finished with them. Easy to do and you have an endless supply of jars from which to choose, my sweet chickees! I have the old salt and pepper shakers a "Pink Redo" also!!~*~I am so grateful to the Lord for all of my blessings that I've decided to thank him on my blog today and to put some things in perspective.I am soooooo incredibly blessed! I have a husband who loves me beyond reason and puts up with my shenanigans and moods on an hourly basis! I have a home with more bedrooms...