Especially for Princess Amy Bunnyrose!

Especially for Princess Amy Bunnyrose!
I told Amy I was doing a special one for her today because she is painting her home's main areas yellow. Hubby said he can stand just so much pink and then he would like to see another color! They've decided to go with yellow. So I thought I'd show Amy the possibilities of pink and yellow together. That is my favorite color combo also. So this is for a young woman who lives in a house with 5 boys and a very masculine hubby!*I love pink and especially red, pink and yellow together. This is a shabby little cottage I could move right in to. A bright red sofa with a pink cover thrown over the back,...

Kitschy, Cute and Shabby Chic!

Kitschy, Cute and Shabby Chic!
Oh be still my passionate heart! Here is why I love Susan Rios so much. Always romantic and feminine paintings. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh........California cottage chic! Don't you just love it? A little footstool as a tray for your cup of tea just adds cutesy to this bedroom. And that little chair? To die for!!! Lush pillows, serene view and vintage fabric draperies. Yuuuummm.......Same home but the living room of the small cottage. I love that patio view and the lush foliage of California as that view. This kind of reminds me of a friend's redo of her Nevada living room. Look at Katie's blog. She's new...

A Vignette Can Be Many Things

A Vignette Can Be Many Things
Vignettes can be anything we want them to be. The sweet photos above and below are perfect examples of this. The one above is an antique cabinet that has been stuffed to overflow with quaint old boxes, snippets of beautiful old lace, roses fabric, books, antiques, a portfolio of love letters or stationery, spools of antique rick rack and even ivy. I absolutely love this idea. Isn't it just beautiful?Now what woman hasn't imagined her bedroom looking like this romantic one? I certainly have. Well, there is nothing wrong with "setting" our bedrooms like a stage and having this to feast our eyes...

And The Winner Is....................

And The Winner Is....................
I pulled a name out of the hat and that name is "Celeste"! Congratulations, Miss Beazy's mom! Now I can send everything to you at one time, sweetpea....

A Teacup for a Prize!

A Teacup for a Prize!
It's time for a give away! So here are the rules:You have to leave me a comment on this post.Then I put your name in a pretty roses teacup.If your name is picked you WIN!How much easier can it be than that?Oooooh, and the prize?! Well, you're looking at it. An Old Country Roses teacup filled with pretty greenery and roses and organza ribbon attached to make it ready to hang over your kitchen sink or some place in your little romantic cottage. That's it. Just be sure and comment on THIS post. Oh, one thing more..... you have to live in the U.S. to win. I do not ship international...

What's for Dinner and Why Are You Photographing My Food?!

What's for Dinner and Why Are You Photographing My Food?!
Okay Okay, men don't understand these things! I wanted to post my recipe for spanish rice. So being very visual I wanted a picture of it so others could see how good it is. We have this frequently because it is so good and so quick. Soooooo, I made it while hubby went to a meeting. He called to say he was on his way home so I dished it up. Then I had to photograph it, of course. DUH!! He just looked at me and asked why are you photographing my dinner? I told him it was for my recipe that I'm posting on my blog. Then he started laughing while saying, "You're posting our dinner on your blog?!" Wrong...

For Celeste, Katie, Amy the Princess, Sharon & Vickie

For Celeste, Katie, Amy the Princess, Sharon & Vickie
Miss Katie's wish is my command. She requested that I show her picture of her old home in the city:"This is a picture of me in front of our previous homein the city. It was a typical tract home. I thoughtConnie might like to post it here, after showing thecottage doors. The yellow blossoms I'm standing underare from the climbing rose called Lady Bank's Rose.It eventually trailed up and over the entire carportedge. Far right was my lilac bush. Living in thecountry we now have about 14 lilac bushes! Katie"***I found these pictures in an old book and each one brought to mind a certain person...

Cottage Doors

Cottage Doors
I just realized I need to show you MY front door. It's not as elegant as these but I thought I should be brave and post it! I have a little "viewer" to check on who is approaching our home and a little cup hook to hang a pretty wreath or something I've yet to create! But it will be there in the not too distant future. Anyway, here's mine!***Today I thought I'd show you "Doors" - yes, DOORS - of some adorable shabby little cottages.***Oh my, doesn't this look like something out of a story book? A little cottage on the way to a fantastic adventure maybe? Stone steps, lush foliage and gnarly trees....

Cottages and Chandeliers

Cottages and Chandeliers
My group of decorating buddies are all pretty much into chandeliers, shabby chic and roses and beautiful rooms for our homes. I put a beautiful chandelier in my dining area in our scaled down home and, personally, I think it faaaabbbulous, dahling. I love elegance even though my home is far from elegant. It's a "last home I'll ever live in" house!But this little jewel of a cottage is just that - a tiny cottage with a loft for a bedroom. And although you cannot see it, the bedroom is behind those posts in the loft and the bathtub is actually in the bedroom.Notice the elegant chandelier hanging...

Hubby Modeling My Newest Apron!

Hubby Modeling My Newest Apron!
Okay, so he ain't the hunk that Rhea's hubby is but he's MY hunk! LOL. I asked Jack to model this apron I made on thursday and he was more than happy to do it. NOT!! But being the sweetie he is (and asking me to not get his face in it - I'm guessing that's because his former Marine buddies might recognize him.) - I complied with his wishes.This one is made of Ralph Lauren strawberries and is a break from my usual shabby chic and roses kind but it's a cute fabric and I like it.But I have to give hubby a hand........he handles it quite well and isn't suffering any trauma today from the photo shoot....

Filbert St. on Telegraph Hill

Filbert St. on Telegraph Hill
How would you like to traverse these steps every time you went grocery stopping or had something to be delivered to your house?! Yes, these are actually steps to little cottages in SF. It's a lush area of overgrown of honeysuckle, fuchsia, overgrown ivy, ferns, trees and wild flowers. Just quiet and lush. BUT each resident has to walk up and down these steps every single time they leave their house. It looks so serene living the...
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