When Daughter Came to Visit!!

When Daughter Came to Visit!!
I decided to do something different for my bathroom walls a while back and pasted some beautiful paintings on the wall as a border. I just could not find the roses wall paper border I wanted so this was the result. I put them up with Fun Tak and it looked really cute until................... daughter came to visit.She decided to take a loooonng HOT shower one afternoon. Well, it was so long and hot that it curled the paintings on card stock! The first picture is the before and the second picture is the after. (Some of the pictures actually fell off when she got through.) But most of them were...

Cleaning Out the Fabric Stash!!

Cleaning Out the Fabric Stash!!
There comes a time (or two or three) in every woman's life when the fabric stash needs "re-inventing"! This week was it for me. For a couple of months now I've dreaded going into my sewing room to create. Last week I decided that this was going to be the week I "cleaned" it out. Now, "cleaning" out is a relative term for me. A "clean house" is just that - go through and vacuum, mop, dust, etc. But a "clean" fabric/sewing room is something different. For me, it means "rearranging" the fabric and stuffing a bit of it in medium size boxes to put up in the garage attic. Not much but just a bit to...

My Purple Elf Church Outfit

My Purple Elf Church Outfit
Okay, so I looked like an elf - at least I was "bright"!! I've never been "conventional" when it comes to colors but I think I may have outdone myself yesterday in church.Since my foot surgery 2 months ago I can't wear any of my old shoes on the left foot yet. Well, we went to back home to California last week to visit with kids and attend son's graduaction from nursing school and while there my daughter gave me a pair of lavender Crocs. (I must admit they are a very, very comfy shoe!) So yesterday I decided to wear them to church (in the snow, no less!!). Well, I wanted to be Christmas-y and...

Christmas Swap

Christmas Swap
I received this wonderful little tussie mussie and hang tag from Holly this week and they are darling. She uses vintage wallpaper with roses and everything is PINK and I love it! The little hang tag is sparkley with "diamonds and baubles" to add to the sparkley holiday atmosphere. It will go in my home perfectly in a place of honor. Actually, everything anyone sends me goes into a place of honor in my home. She is a sweetheart and she is confident that I love her! Her works are always stunning and I have a painting from this sweet friend to prove it. Little birds and roses.....um hummm, just beautiful!...

Stained Glass Window Present!!

Stained Glass Window Present!!
Can you believe that today after church our bishop's wife brought this stained glass rose window over to give to me?!?! I was again stunned by the generosity of people who know me. She said her husband, a contractor, pulled this out of a house a couple of years ago and they just kept it. Now since meeting me and seeing my home and what I can do with things she thought that I should have it if I wanted it. If I want it?????? Hah, YESSSSSSSSSS!! It is now in my living room awaiting a place to put it. Maybe I'll put it on one of the plant shelves around the living room. It's big and very heavy, but...

Karen's Gorgeous Tag!

Karen's Gorgeous Tag!
What a lovely tag I received today from Karen! This is a very talented lady whom we all love at PRH. Take a look at her mantel decorated up for the holiday season on her blog. Just click on her name above to be taken there. Now, excuse me while I go make some tag...

Voilà, il est fait!!

Voilà, il est fait!!
My little vintage bell I found in the antique shop is finished. Isn't it cute painted a soft pink?! See what can be done with old stuff. Now all I need to get Jack to come a-running is to "ring my bell"!! Hah...

Shabby Putz House Redecorated

Shabby Putz House Redecorated
This is how it turned out after I added some lace, buttons, clay roses and a hanger. It is on ebay for sale but I'm keeping some to put around the house. I love these little houses and especially the ones a sweet lady named Rhea has made and put up for auction on her website. She paints wonderfully also!This one is probably 50 or 60 years old and I want to learn how to make them so I can put more around my house and on the tree. Oooooh, so many things to learn and so little time!!!! Sigh........................

Look What I Found Today!!!!!!!!!!

Look What I Found Today!!!!!!!!!!
Jack and I went out antiquing today to find him a desk for his train room. We found one that would have been perfect, but it was SOLD! I thought he was going to cry!BUT guess what I found?!?! I couldn't believe that tucked way in the back in an obscure corner of an antique store were these tiny little Putz houses! I grabbed them up so quickly I think I created a hurricane in the back of that store. Are they not the most adorable little cardboard houses?! They look a bit "unsophisticated" but I thought they were adorable. I may "jazz" them up a bit and sell them but I'll keep one for me probably....
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